Chapter 45:- Jaekyung wakes up and realizes that he dunk alcohol and blames Dan. This will end up with Dan leaving him. - Jaekyung wakes up and we get a flash back of why he has SATYR SYNDROME.
Whats Satyr Syndrome
Male version of a nymphomaniac
What's nymphomaniac
And his flashback i bet will syand as his redemption amd why the readers has to sympathize with him even if he's full of shit. And with little to no character development, voila they'll suddenly be lovey dovey healthy couple
I wait I just realized you said theory
Oh ***
Chapter 45:
- Jaekyung wakes up and realizes that he dunk alcohol and blames Dan. This will end up with Dan leaving him.
- Jaekyung wakes up and we get a flash back of why he has SATYR SYNDROME.