I have some questions... Did karel sleeps with george or others while they separated? Is ...

Alex❤DG January 21, 2024 4:56 am

I have some questions...
Did karel sleeps with george or others while they separated?
Is this still worth to read? Sasha personality really turn me off. I dislike the story of uke sell their body for any purpose. It also doesn't change the fact that karel suffer a lot because of him.

    CherryRedSoda January 21, 2024 5:01 am

    I don't think Karel has slept with anyone else since their separation; and as for Sasha it's important to remember that this story is trying to be historically accurate and back then to be a ballerina and a prostitute were essentially the same thing. It also was probably Sasha's way of punishing himself for not finding a way to Karel from "dying" at war

    Yoon Nakyum January 21, 2024 5:30 am

    No. Karel only slept with Sasha. Sasha was his first love and until the end only Sasha. So does Sasha. He didn't do prostituting. Half of the news was true (seducing nobles to get principal place), half wasn't true (he didn't have sex with them). Actually Sasha is terrified to men due to his trauma with grand duke. That why his love for Karel is equally. He loved Karel the same Karel did. It just this story mostly take from Karel side, Sasha pov only come at the end of novel which make Karel cry a river knowing the truth.

    YuzukiMikage January 21, 2024 6:05 am
    No. Karel only slept with Sasha. Sasha was his first love and until the end only Sasha. So does Sasha. He didn't do prostituting. Half of the news was true (seducing nobles to get principal place), half wasn't ... Yoon Nakyum

    I thought I remembered Sasha having sex with an old fart to get into the sponsorship club? Or were they just laying in bed and nothing happened?

    Yoon Nakyum January 21, 2024 6:16 am
    I thought I remembered Sasha having sex with an old fart to get into the sponsorship club? Or were they just laying in bed and nothing happened? YuzukiMikage

    Nothing happened. He just seduced that old man and let him feel him and i didn't see anything like sex was ever mentioned in the novel

    LoverOfYaoi January 21, 2024 8:28 am
    I thought I remembered Sasha having sex with an old fart to get into the sponsorship club? Or were they just laying in bed and nothing happened? YuzukiMikage

    Well you should read the story again because Sasya was kinda coerced into having any kind of relationship with that old dude, and he hated being touched by him. The dude ended up forcing him to do oral because he was jealous that Saysa wasn’t paying him attention

    Alex❤DG January 21, 2024 9:17 am
    No. Karel only slept with Sasha. Sasha was his first love and until the end only Sasha. So does Sasha. He didn't do prostituting. Half of the news was true (seducing nobles to get principal place), half wasn't ... Yoon Nakyum

    What happened with that ugly old man? It seems they slept together? Is there any proof that sasya is not that scum? Is karel knows? Can you spoil me from sasya views? I want to like him but the manga haven't show any good side about him

    Yoon Nakyum January 21, 2024 9:38 am
    What happened with that ugly old man? It seems they slept together? Is there any proof that sasya is not that scum? Is karel knows? Can you spoil me from sasya views? I want to like him but the manga haven't sh... Alex❤DG

    Maybe just flirting but that old fart got angry and harassed him. Karel saw it and misunderstanding that Sasha slept with anyone. It half revealed on Gudin lies (which Sasha tell Karel how he dislike painful). At the end of novel also stated that world is too harsh on Sasha, and also media being harsh on him (which spread the rumours about his scandal)- which implies not true. Sasha is talented. But he tried to climb faster so he can meet again with Karel. Unfortunately the news about Karel's death just broke his heart.

    After they escaped to America, Karel took all Sasha interrogation record and found the letter that Sasha wrote for his "beloved Karel". Sasha has been waiting Karel all this time. He never abandoned Karel from the beginning. Sasha was in half-consciousness due to the shocked of the gunshot during his execution. when they on the ship heading to America karel asked why he did this. Sasha said because he loved karel just like he did (this is honest and genuine answer since sasha was in hallucinations and haven't fully wake up).

    Yoon Nakyum January 21, 2024 10:15 am

    From Sasha pov...

    Some ppl said sasha deserve this but for me, he didn't deserve this. Not him, not karel. He was left alone. No friends no family. His family was tragically killed because of him. He was suffering, scarring, trauma and hurt. That's why loved Karel so much. Because karel was his lover, friend, family. All he had was karel. When karel was away he decided to chase his dream. Later ppl calls him dirt and even put in the headline about him sleeping around to get position. He want to be worthy to karel since karel sacrifice all for him so he wants to do the same. He was so heartbroken knowing karel died so he live in the eggshell for some time until his dead lover come back. Nothing but humiliate him. But he thought he will take everything since he was the sinner. When karel getting married sasha tried to commit suicide (fell into the lake) but was saved by geogre. He then decided to stay with karel as mistress but still think himself as a sinner because he still want to be with him. He also also confess that he was a spy just to protect karel and being torture in the prison. He didn't eat and anger the soldier with his answer. When karel ask why he did this. He answer in asleep, "because i love karel". When sasha saw soldier when they reach america, he was having anxiety. Karel told him "you are not the sinner". He broke tears. Nobody tell him so.. even when his family was killed, he blamed himself but none of it was his fault. Ughh .. this story is too sad

    Gerald January 26, 2024 7:56 pm
    I don't think Karel has slept with anyone else since their separation; and as for Sasha it's important to remember that this story is trying to be historically accurate and back then to be a ballerina and a pro... CherryRedSoda

    But wasn't it implied that he sponsored dancers which means he had sex with them?