1. The hero himself told the mc he's fine so he didn't want to pry anymore especially since there's nothing he can do about a memory loss
2. that was just a joke + the hero snapped back plus he was thankful he just didn't have the luxury to express that due to more pressing matters needing attention
3. this is just common sense, you need ti be smart with money. It's better to save up to plan to buy a sword then buying one off the bat and having little money.. that's the whole reason they went on this dungeon this for money as well as to get new companions
4. What are you supposed to say to that that'll make him feel better?? + I'm 100% sure it wasn't an actual question but a rhetorical question he was making a statement how that's hiw most heros commonly end up, you don't typically respond to rhetorical questions
also no hard feelings at all this isn't any hate to you

No, no hard feelings haha we’re all allowed to have our opinions on this; that’s what civil discourse is for! And again, rationally I understand the situation they are in has to account for a lot of overwhelming and urgent considerations. You also make really valid points! However, there are definitely ways that he could’ve treated the hero as more of a human being than he did even though he is doing leaps and bounds better than the other users in the game. It’s a personal EQ thing for me, I don’t know how to describe it, I just felt so put off. But I do see where you’re coming from!

No really I share the same feelings about this story but I realize the Mc isn't normal himself and Aldo isn't in normal situation , he's really aware that this whole thing is just a Game as much as real the experience my feels , so that's what he does treat it as a game not to mention he seems really knowledgeable about games so it's safe to assume he spends a long time on playing rather than socializing irl , and then comes his own personality bcz he seems to lack proper decency but at least he's decent enough not to sleep and leave his hero so let's just trust his character development through the story I guess .

At least the MC’s making an effort not to be selfish. He recognizes the vulgarities of the situation in that the resurrected are essentially sentient puppets that experience life but cannot live it. He’s trying to give them as much free will as possible but the very system he needs to use to survive is actively working against any efforts of liberation for these heroes
Am I the only one frustrated with how selfish the MC is? Like the hero is clearly having multiple existential contemplations and he just brushes over it thinking about what benefits himself or what he’s worried about. He’s so loud about how unappreciative he is of the hero RIGHT AFTER BEING SAVED BY HIM and basically calling the hero useless to his face despite being useless himself. Or how he took him to get a new weapon and STILL just gave him another shovel just because it was more expensive to get a sword. The man was literally dead and revived and when he sits there going “we’re treated like prized tools, will you abandon me or use me like a glorified wagon when I’m no longer of use” MC couldn’t even comfort him. I don’t know, even being understanding of how discombobulating this must be for the MC I still feel he’s being terrible to someone who was dragged into this with him. Just my personal feelings.