ts was sth? Ik that author was going crazy for not adding any rape scenes last minutes so ...

sosa January 20, 2024 12:51 am

ts was sth? Ik that author was going crazy for not adding any rape scenes last minutes so congrats for adding really made ts shi better also the whole plot was the blackmail and then all of sudden it wasn’t blackmailing anymore so what? and it was so weirdly rushed and the mc forgiving that bitch for sexually assaulting him tf? the author must’ve been creating the story w one eye open bcz i legit can’t comprehend wtf ts was also the whole wolf fox thingy and how it is described as they can’t be tgt but they had ONE quick conservation ab how they dgaf and that was it? wasnt that also kinda the whole plot ts felt like dry porn idk how to describe it

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies April 8, 2024 11:06 am

    Huh? Authors was going crazy for not adding any rape scenes last minute so congrats for adding? What does that mean

    sosa April 13, 2024 4:05 pm
    Huh? Authors was going crazy for not adding any rape scenes last minute so congrats for adding? What does that mean Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Are you dumb Im being sarcastic. Author was going crazy bcz she didn’t add any rape last minute so Im sarcastically congratulating her. how was that so difficult

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies April 13, 2024 5:09 pm
    Are you dumb Im being sarcastic. Author was going crazy bcz she didn’t add any rape last minute so Im sarcastically congratulating her. how was that so difficult sosa

    So I don't know if you know this but you can't hear a message meaning you can't hear sarcasm and babe people on this app are genuinely dumb enough to write smt like that you don't have to be such an absolute colossal bitch that's why no one's loves you have a great day and go slit your wrists

    Kkaell April 26, 2024 2:11 pm

    HELP right?? Also i mustve missed a chapter(probably) csn you tell me which chapter Sirang apologized coz he blackmailed Ho?/halfsarc (i read but i dont real all the texts)

    lookinachu May 1, 2024 11:00 am

    This is precisely how I felt reading this. Story is super rushed and the characters are so weird. They're acting like a bunch of teenage girls except they look like grown men