
Noc January 19, 2024 7:43 pm

As much as it seems to be an alpha X alpha, there's something off. The "Limon's scent is completely different" thing throws me off. Like he did say the red dragon has "a sweet fragrance" but was he repelled or attracted to it? Him blushing suggests the latter but he's such an unreliable narrator that atp I'm overanalyzing the smallest things. Did he mean that Limon's scent had a different effect on him or that it simply smelled different?

    fuck this January 19, 2024 11:54 pm

    If I'm reading your comments
    Right, inferna finds it strange that limon who is an "omega" Smells different from the red dragon who's also an omega. He was caught of guard of the fact that the dragon omega smells sweet while limon doesn't. I'm probably just going in circles

    fuck this January 19, 2024 11:56 pm
    If I'm reading your comments Right, inferna finds it strange that limon who is an "omega" Smells different from the red dragon who's also an omega. He was caught of guard of the fact that the dragon omega smell... fuck this

    If I'm reading your comment correctly *

    Fangirl1967 January 20, 2024 2:25 am

    Could be that Inferna is an alpha and Limon is an omega but Limon is the top

    Fangirl1967 January 20, 2024 2:26 am

    Also, apparently trying the submit the shrug emoji puts a symbol instead

    Noc January 20, 2024 4:30 am
    If I'm reading your comments Right, inferna finds it strange that limon who is an "omega" Smells different from the red dragon who's also an omega. He was caught of guard of the fact that the dragon omega smell... fuck this

    Hm, this is probably right.
    I've been bamboozled by alpha X "alpha" stories too much to the point I'm hesitant to believe anything; authors can be extremely sneaky when it comes to stuff like this, especially when they're determined to pull the rug from under the readers' feet.