The 2 papas are sexy together

BLOW POP SECRETS January 19, 2024 2:43 pm

This is that expression “If you wont fuck your man, then someone else will” in manga form. Im not normally into to cheating stories but this one is interesting, among other things. It’s crazy how the wife is content to be in a sexless marriage without so much as a conversation addressing it. If the relationship didn't start out that way then you owe him a talk as his partner, like come on. They seem like roommates more than a married couple so far, no affection to be seen anywhere. And I wish Naoto would've stopped being a wuss for a second and actually spoke up to the wife about this issue before getting sex outside of his marriage since he seems conflicted about it. Cheating isn't ok without an agreement. Im happy that this isn't the typical “happy couple - healthy relationship then one decides to randomly cheat” plot common in the cheating trope mangas. Sexy Bara Smut aside we have 2 unsatisfied men in marriages where the women seem to be oblivious to their men’s discontent and as usual communication is non existent.
