I'm sorry that your work has been stolen here without permission. However I would like to thank you for your efforts. I thought you did a wonderful job none the less and I'm grateful that I was able to read it in English since the couple is absolutely adorable. The scan was very clean, I liked the font you used, and it was easy to read. I hope your linguistic studies go well and once again thank you.

fyi, I've been rereading this manga just yesterday or a day before yesterday. Plus I've read the chapters in your blog. So when I saw that this manga been updated with so much chapters and I be like 'oh my god! There's so many chapters, I'm so happy!' and I really appreciate you translating this manga for all of us. Really, thanks a lot. btw, where did you learn japanese?

Thank You for translating. Ahaha even the way you type for yourself is cute (sorry I can't help having a similar image of you and Kijima kun)

Aaawww... thank you for your compliment... ^_^, I'm glad you're happy with this. Anw I learned 1st level Japanese in various tuition center at my place long ago and I was busy with other works now so after that I self learning via apps, books, and chatting online with Jap friends. When You're self learning you can't rely much on one source... I have to do a lot of things to improve my vocab. Well The easiest and quickest way to learn is doing what you like the most. Like me maybe reading and writing, I read children books at first, translated them bit by bit... Whenever I listened to drama cd or radio program by certain seiyuu that I like, if I don't understand some words or phrases they used I'll look it up on the net for its meaning... my problem is sometimes I'm too engrossed with Kanji I forgot the kanas... ahahaha...
is actually my blog site. Like I said in my blog before... I am not a professional translator and I don't even work in any translation group. There are various reasons as of why I translated this series myself... I think I already explained them in my blog but then... Oh well... never mind I'll just explain them again here...
1. I was impatient once I hooked on a certain story/manga and I tend to look for the raws. I can understand most part of the story. Once I found the raws I thought I would translate it so I can enjoy reading them in English myself. Then it came to my mind why not I share this with others who are also as impatient as me. I don't like whining and forcing people (the translation group) to do their work faster since I know it's not easy to do so with so many projects to be handled by them alone.
2. I wanted to learn Japanese by translating manga I love. It really works. Slowly I can understand almost 90% of the language and a little more with Kanji. Kanji really sux guys... T_T
ah... I forgot what other reasons I have. Oh well... what's important is...
You can do whatever you want with my works... up to the point of giving whoever using it your own credits... I really don't mind seriously... since I'm doing this for fun. All I want is just people to forgive my action and spare me with all those scrupulous credential or copyright stuff...
BTW.... IT'S NOT ME WHO UPLOADED THIS!! SERIOUSLY!! I was surprised to see my translation here though.... ><;;;