
Anoni Grrl December 30, 2016 3:48 pm

In addition to Lucaon's mom getting Shian's eye color wrong (or human?), Lucaon's dad called Ryan his "brother" (not grand uncle or something older) and they both called Ryan cruel. I still think Ryan is more the magic mentor type, but maybe those who think Ryan is suspicious were on to something. I don't know. But the parents' conversation has a different view of Ryan than we've seen before.

    Anonymous December 30, 2016 3:56 pm

    They thought it was cruel of Ryan to transfom Shian when he was a child because he could have died... And that is true... But they don't know about Shian's past nor about his dream of becoming strong..

    Anoni Grrl December 30, 2016 4:00 pm
    They thought it was cruel of Ryan to transfom Shian when he was a child because he could have died... And that is true... But they don't know about Shian's past nor about his dream of becoming strong.. @Anonymous

    Yes, but they seemed to feel he was cruel in general (or at least more than once), not just as a one off.

    Anonymous December 30, 2016 5:13 pm

    I think the transforming sihan event shows that Ryan is "I do this, just because I want to"--type of character and thats the most scary thing about him. I mean what if he wants something that harms somebody like Kyon..? I hope he is not a bad guy. Im not sure who will cope with him he is like the strongest among all.

    Anoni Grrl December 30, 2016 9:54 pm
    I think the transforming sihan event shows that Ryan is "I do this, just because I want to"--type of character and thats the most scary thing about him. I mean what if he wants something that harms somebody lik... @Anonymous

    Maybe. I want to believe Ryan saw something in Shian, and I ship Ryan with Cristoph. I want to believe he puts on a carefree always laughing face while he plans for the greater good, but I don't know for sure what's going on. I don't know if you watch Doctor Who, butIi think Ryan is either a bit like The Doctor or The Master--but I hope The Doctor. Both are sort of crazy long-lived characters who sometimes forget about human frailties and emotions, but the Doctor still has compassion and likes people. I'm hoping Ryan just seems cruel because he is so long lived and he plays everything as if it's all in fun.

    lividangel December 30, 2016 11:31 pm

    I don't see Ryan as being cruel so much as indifferent about a lot of things. I'm not sure why mom made a mistake with the eye color, unless she, being an aristocrat, was apathetic to Sihan, like when dad refers to him as a 'imitation'. When mom refers to Ryan turning Sihan as cruel, again I think it's that indifference to the outcome (only a small percentage survive and Ryan did it without concern) I think it was a combination of truth and a turn of phrase when she said that. Looks like Ryan is mom's brother. I agree, Ryan is definitely the mentor. I believe he's a good guy; of course I could be wrong ;)

    Anoni Grrl December 30, 2016 11:37 pm
    I don't see Ryan as being cruel so much as indifferent about a lot of things. I'm not sure why mom made a mistake with the eye color, unless she, being an aristocrat, was apathetic to Sihan, like when dad refer... lividangel

    Someone posted above that "deep blue eyes" is a Korean idiom that doesn't translate well. That explains a lot. I wonder if Ryan is literally anyone's brother or if they are using "brother" as a friend of the family. Ryan said he knew their great grand parents, so it made me think he was older. Often both Korean and Japanese stories seem to translate "brother" in cases I think Americans would use "uncle"--someone close to the family but who is not actually a blood relative. Otherwise Ryan was giving Kyon a false impression for some reason. I guess we'll see. :)

    Anonymous December 31, 2016 12:58 am
    Someone posted above that "deep blue eyes" is a Korean idiom that doesn't translate well. That explains a lot. I wonder if Ryan is literally anyone's brother or if they are using "brother" as a friend of the fa... Anoni Grrl

    What term did Lucaon's mother use to address him. And, remember, only SHE refers to him as her brother. No one else refers to him as brother/uncle. She looks exactly like him and it's possible that she's FAR older than Lucaon's father, y'know. After all, he changes yet she doesn't?

    Anoni Grrl December 31, 2016 2:38 am
    What term did Lucaon's mother use to address him. And, remember, only SHE refers to him as her brother. No one else refers to him as brother/uncle. She looks exactly like him and it's possible that she's FAR o... @Anonymous

    Lucacon refers to himself as a "friend" of the family and uses the family name. Although the thoughts are present when we see the mother, I think it's actually the father's thoughts. It's possible that the father married into a stronger family and kept the mother's last name but I still think it was the father talking about his brother, and the father who wanted Ryan to come stop the change and who made the phone call (the mother was not near a phone). It seemed to me that we saw different things while reading the dad's thoughts.

    lividangel January 6, 2017 12:27 pm
    Someone posted above that "deep blue eyes" is a Korean idiom that doesn't translate well. That explains a lot. I wonder if Ryan is literally anyone's brother or if they are using "brother" as a friend of the fa... Anoni Grrl

    I saw the thread about the 'blue eyes' thing after I posted and was "well there goes my theory" lol :D

    Anoni Grrl January 6, 2017 2:21 pm
    I saw the thread about the 'blue eyes' thing after I posted and was "well there goes my theory" lol :D lividangel

    LOL--me too, but it was good to know.