Chapter 99 and somethings feel like they were missed

CoolllyYo January 18, 2024 7:25 pm

I got curious because of the comments so I went to buy chapter 99. Jooin doesn't even say he miss yahwi, he implies he has some regrets on things but things are fine now. He thinks about both his relationships with Cain and Yahwi and the decisions he made. In Yahwi scene he remembers Jooin, I don't know if he misses him, he doesn't say, he probably does but all he talks about is how thankful he is to Jooin for guiding him into a better life as Jooin was the light he needed to start anew. I still think all three will eventually meet again in one way or another.

I would like to add that Jooin thought of his past and the relationships, I believe after half a year or so, judging by his friends words, then after that it's was like 2-3yrs timeskip as he now graduated.

*repost because some of yall were rude asf.

    <33 January 18, 2024 7:23 pm

    There was no need to repost bc ppl will still reply to your comment…
    The manhwa doesn’t need to clearly state that they missed each other. It’s obvious with the way they act that they do indeed miss each other. (It’s called show don’t tell).
    Again I’m not trying to be rude.

    bkg January 18, 2024 7:27 pm

    Reading comprehension is really a rare thing these days huh

    CoolllyYo January 18, 2024 7:35 pm
    There was no need to repost bc ppl will still reply to your comment… The manhwa doesn’t need to clearly state that they missed each other. It’s obvious with the way they act that they do indeed miss each ... <33

    Honestly I can repost as long as I want. People have left much worse comments yet no replies. So why was I the one with rude replies? You say there's no need repost but I can say there's no need for you to reply either knowing that I repost and what I added the end show how uncomfortable I was with it before.

    <33 January 18, 2024 7:37 pm
    Honestly I can repost as long as I want. People have left much worse comments yet no replies. So why was I the one with rude replies? You say there's no need repost but I can say there's no need for you to repl... CoolllyYo

    I wasnt trying to be mean when saying that. I just said that you’d still get the comments again by other ppl who will recently see your comment. But you can take my comment however you want.
    Also I replied because your statement wasn’t rlly correct so I just wanted to clarify some things.
    There was no malicious intent behind my comment :)

    CoolllyYo January 18, 2024 7:46 pm
    I wasnt trying to be mean when saying that. I just said that you’d still get the comments again by other ppl who will recently see your comment. But you can take my comment however you want. Also I replied be... <33

    I know there's was no malicious in your comment but knowing you comment before should've indicated it was best not to reply at all because of the replies used your comments to say rude to things about my opinion.

    Also I don't know how my statement wasn't correct in a way when it wasn't a statement but an opinion about how I don't particularly see Jooin missing someone, he was generally speaking about both relationships too. I said it's possible for yahwi but it was more about appreciation from my perspective. But yes I do understand what you meant.

    <33 January 18, 2024 7:53 pm
    I know there's was no malicious in your comment but knowing you comment before should've indicated it was best not to reply at all because of the replies used your comments to say rude to things about my opinio... CoolllyYo

    Obviously I can’t control what other people say but if they used my comment to reply to yours, then it would probably indicate that they agree with me.
    However, they could’ve said it in a nicer way but again I can’t control what they say or don’t say.
    Also I used a term to prove my point : “show don’t tell” (it means that jooin doesn’t need to say “oh I miss yahwi” to actually miss yahwi. Since you read the chapter, you would see that he drew a cat on the bus’s window. That’s show don’t tell.)
    That’s all I have to say on this matter :)

    <33 January 18, 2024 7:54 pm
    I know there's was no malicious in your comment but knowing you comment before should've indicated it was best not to reply at all because of the replies used your comments to say rude to things about my opinio... CoolllyYo

    But then again I understand your pov. I just don’t fully agree with it. But since it’s an opinion, I have no right to make you think otherwise.