nah, i'd say he really just loved mystery and horror and happened to be an architect. I have friends who are like this and their stories are so questionable too but then again the possibilities are endless. He may or may be involved in something related to some of what he mentioned but definitely not this house murder

It's interesting cause i major in civil engineering so I'm really familiar with architecture... Floor plan and whatever. My friend once told me about this novel (we are from the same reading community) and showed me about the floor plan and ask me if i notice something strange and i immediately notice it and said almost 80-90% the same like that glasses dude said our imagination is pretty wild ngl
The dude with glasses seems kinda suspicious. If his hypothetical story seems to be correct, what if he's part of the murderings? The way he suddenly started going on about how the house was a murder place made so much sense that it was sorta suspicious.