Spoilers via fanwiki and novel updates

cookychims January 26, 2024 6:36 am

So... I was really curious on how the romance was gonna work on this one. I don't have an issue with female characters but I don't really like harem so I decided to check how the novel ends to see if I'd like the ending.

So Hajin ends up with Byul (Chameleon Boss). Hajin works for their group and gets close with the boss. Boss was actually the disciple of the person who killed Hajin's parents. Byul was supposed to kill Hajin but didn't do it and instead was the one who left him at yhe orphanage but they figure this out late into the story.

Although they are end game, from what I've seen on the spoilers in NU, the author mucks their way and does show romamce with the 3 different girls.

There is an alternate ending where Nayeon ends up with Hajin but I didn't get to chekc it out and there wasn't much info on it in the fanwiki. I honestly couldn't be bothered since she was my least liked character just because I'm not into the loud airhead. But yeah... theres that.

The general reaction of the readers regarding the ending was disappointment, most preferred a harem and they did feel like it was rushed and not well paced and written.

Oh, Suho ends up with the guild master from the number 1 guild in korea. Comments say they have a 10-year age gap but yeah that's a thing.

    ShadowKnight January 20, 2024 8:47 am

    Omg thanks for the spoilers I was hoping he got with the blond hair girl in the novel does he tell them the truth about himself and does he get stronger or does he stay mid strong

    cookychims January 20, 2024 10:53 am
    Omg thanks for the spoilers I was hoping he got with the blond hair girl in the novel does he tell them the truth about himself and does he get stronger or does he stay mid strong ShadowKnight

    Same, I actually shipped him with Rachel, the princess, but yeah... that didn't happen. He does introduce Rachel to the seed, Evangel (?), the little girl. This is pretty far into the story and they do care for the little girl and lowkey co-parent.

    As for his real identity, I didn't see any spoilers about whether or not he tells them that he's the author so I can't help you with that one. As for his strength, he does become really strong. It was stated that the only person who could fight him is Suho, which makes sense since Suho is the MC. Also, although he is just a member if Chamelion, it was stated that he felt like someone who was pulling the strings and the leader than the boss.

    As for the storyline, what will happen next if we go by the spoilers I've read and the manga, Hajin will join the chamelions. He thinks that if he gets the chamelions helo since they hate djins and demons, he can kill Nayeon's brother without having his identity revealed. During this time, as he was planning all this, he gets even closer with Nayeon and this lowkey feels like their romance arc. However it lowkey goes to shit once he kills older bro. While he thought he could remain anonymous, it doesn't take long for the investigation to show that the killer had a tattoo on his wrist (remember his stigma). First ones to know it was him is the black haired girl and her investigator uncle. Nayeon's fam and grandpa also find out, they also find out the reason for killing the bro. Nayeon is the last to know and she feels betrayed. She didn't find out the reason coz they kept it from her knowing it would make her feel worse.

    After the whole shit happened, Hajin leaves school and continues to work with the chamelions. This is also when he gets even closer with the boss and also gets his romance arc with black haired girl and blonde girl. Story takes a 3-year time skip. During this time the one chara that changed the mose was Nayeon. Girlie gets a chane in persona and becomes darker, she also starts smoking. She does find out later on the reason why Hajin killed her brother and it does change things but i dont remember much.

    Hajin also introduce Rachel to Evangel, basically their miracle baby xD and they coparent. I think I read evangel stayed in the palace and was taught by someone from the nobility (I read this in fanwiki and pieced some info on my own).

    We also get info on what happened to OG soul of the body Hajin/MC is currently in. He is alive but in a different world. You can check his story out in the fandom website as well since they have a section on what happened to him.

    A lot of things happen but that's how far I've read up on the spoilers. I wasn't that interested in knowing more and the spoilers were really long and I didn't have thr energy to read up on all of it.

    If you do want spoilers check the novels fandom wiki since info there is more concised and easier to read than scrolling through nivel updates or reddit.

    ShadowKnight January 21, 2024 12:56 am
    Same, I actually shipped him with Rachel, the princess, but yeah... that didn't happen. He does introduce Rachel to the seed, Evangel (?), the little girl. This is pretty far into the story and they do care for... cookychims

    Your the best

    ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ January 23, 2024 5:06 am

    I'm not into loud airhead person too hahahaha i was disappointed after hearing that there's an alternate ending with Nayeon and Hajin, when it's more plausible if it's Rachel x Hajin.. the Boss x Hajin if fine too.. Also, thank you for spoiling, my heart is at peace now.

    MonMon1001 January 23, 2024 6:18 am

    I've read and finished the novel and I was pissed that everyone except a few girls were still able to remember Hajin at the end. The friendship that Hajin and Suho built up was so good for me and the end just basically wiped it all gone.

    There's also alternate story where Hajin didn't join the Chameleon troupe and became a mercenary after he quit school. That one he ends up with Rachel. So I guess the author made 2 other endings after so many readers were unhappy with how the main story ended because there were basically little to no chemistry between Hajin and Boss in the story. It felt more like a 'boss and super capable underling' to 'Boss felt extremely guilty because she felt responsible for Hajin's parents death and didn't want Hajin to hate her'. Also, Boss didn't directly kill his parents, it was her master, but she was there when it happened and she was supposed to kill baby Hajin, but instead, she dropped him off at an orphanage.

    ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ January 23, 2024 7:17 am
    Spoilers.. . . . . . I've read and finished the novel and I was pissed that everyone except a few girls were still able to remember Hajin at the end. The friendship that Hajin and Suho built up was so good for ... MonMon1001

    Was the alternate story in different books?

    MonMon1001 January 23, 2024 8:05 am
    Was the alternate story in different books? ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ

    I didn't read it from a book but from a website that translate korean novels to eng so I don't know if the side stories are in different books but they hella long for side stories

    cookychims January 23, 2024 10:20 am
    Spoilers.. . . . . . I've read and finished the novel and I was pissed that everyone except a few girls were still able to remember Hajin at the end. The friendship that Hajin and Suho built up was so good for ... MonMon1001

    Yeha I saw a lot of comments from readers that said the author is pretty well-known for how bad they are at writing romance. I think the same thing hppenedto their other work as well. Which was why a lot of the readers already had low expectations for this novel but the author still managed to piss them off with how they went about it. I'm glad there's an alternate ending where Hajin ended up with Rachel since I liked her the most

    ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ January 23, 2024 1:57 pm
    I didn't read it from a book but from a website that translate korean novels to eng so I don't know if the side stories are in different books but they hella long for side stories MonMon1001

    Woah! the author is dedicated fr hahahahh

    wilson January 26, 2024 3:43 am

    dang I would've liked it if Hajin just ended up with Rachel but that Author really knows how to piss their readers off huh? lolol

    Thanks for this. Will happily drop this now haha Harem isn't really my cup of tea. I just feel icky seeing how many women like MC rn that it feels like he's just dragging them along even though MC doesn't know it.

    gorg February 3, 2024 8:42 am

    sheesh.. thanks for the spoiler tho now i know i won’t like this story (๑•ㅂ•)و✧