Unpopular opinion

Yuki January 18, 2024 2:17 pm

I like how the pacing is incredibly slow now. Before, I also thought that it was going too slow and that I feel like Im getting impatient but as the story progresses (by 1%) Im actually okay with it. It wouldn’t make sense if Jaekyung suddenly turned nice and so much in love with Dan. So yeah, I like how the author is taking baby steps with this and not rushing story. I want to see how Dan will slowly change him and wrap him around his pretty little finger. I want to see Dan support Jaekyung with all his might only for Jaekyung to be so stupid and stubborn and break his arm during an official big match that his opponent will end up winning by default because he’s forced by his manager to surrender. And knowing Jaekyung he will not admit that it’s his fault so he'll most likely put the blame on our pookie Dan and will keep on blaming him during his recovery phase(may it be because they couldn’t have sex before the match, or there's a situation where their ritual is halted or interrupted idk) and Dan will feel hurt and maybe will think that enough is enough and will need some time alone, away from jaekyung. Dan already has good friends, probably someone in the team will help him (maybe our pookie potato) or maybe heesung will, the green haired baddie can also surprisingly help. And while Dan is away for the mean time, Jaekyung will start to self reflect and probably knows that it’s his fault from the start and then when he’s going to look for Dan to maybe lowkey apologize but find him gone and mistook Dan for leaving him for real, without a word, he’s going to break and become a mess until Dan comes back. Yes. SLOW BURN IT IS.

    ShenQq January 18, 2024 6:52 pm

    yessss agreed. but what’s all this about dan leaving?? he owes jaekyung BANK, he ain’t goin nowhere. i think it’d be more likely for jaekyung to toss him out or for one of the other guys to take him in if they witness jaekyung being horrible.

    Yuki January 18, 2024 7:36 pm
    yessss agreed. but what’s all this about dan leaving?? he owes jaekyung BANK, he ain’t goin nowhere. i think it’d be more likely for jaekyung to toss him out or for one of the other guys to take him in if... ShenQq

    LET ME DREAM MAN we won’t know till we reach that point. Maybe Dan will finally grow some balls to defend himself He can argue about his bills already paid by serving Jaekyung 24/7 as a his personal physical therapist, personal maid, personal secretary, personal mental punching bag, personal slave and personal boytoy

    ShenQq January 18, 2024 8:29 pm
    LET ME DREAM MAN we won’t know till we reach that point. Maybe Dan will finally grow some balls to defend himself He can argue about his bills already paid by serving Jaekyung 24/7 as a his personal physical... Yuki

    aww ok lol maybe you’re right!