Stupid af lol

Mcoll0 January 18, 2024 6:29 am

Warning, this is about to be a long ass rant lol

This story, to say the least, was literal ass. You know when you're watching something horrible happen, but you just cant look away... thats what this is lol. And Of course this is the same person who wrote that creepy ass pufferfish/dolphin story...

Child abuse, rape, mental illness, these are very serious topics, and ive read other amazing stories that touch on these topics and handle them correctly... this is not one of those stories.

Everyone one in this story is fucked up and insane. The MC, the ML, the uncle , the uncles bf, the parents of the MC. Everyone, just crazy af. The ML literally needs to be put in a psyc ward forever... like for rest of his life lol. And the MC shouldent be far behind. because why are you constantly going back to a psyco kid that constantly rapes and harasses you???? Like i get its for the plot, but damn, make it make sense at least.

And then the ML randomly gets his legs cut off????? wtffff???

Chile anyways... I get that everything on this site is fiction BUT if you're going to write on serious topics like Child abuse, rape, mental illness and you want the characters to have a happy ending... don't make the character doing the abuse be apart of the happy ending.

1/5 stars

    Nin March 16, 2024 9:19 am

    FRRR nothing makes sense and I HATE the mc, hes such a despicable person. Im not sure how things are in China, but in my cultures, there are safety laws put into place for patients.. what he is doing is an abuse of power! Hes like those mean bully girls who grow up to be nurses..

    AngelDrool April 11, 2024 5:55 pm

    Also wtf is up with this “happy” quirky ass ending??