Awwe that's suppperrr sweeett of u.. Thanks a million times! Please do give a bit of summary.. I'll be waiting
Page 15:
Kirara: Ken... by any chance.. do you like me?
Ken flinched right after that, ensues with the awkward silence in page 16 along with Kirara's thumping heart.
Page 17:
Ken: No way.
Then he proceeds to facepalm and shove Kirara outta his face.
Page 18:
Ken: I'm just trying to scare you a little cuz you were too noisy. More over, why would I like another guy.
Kirara: HAH?! At this point you are still talking about 'this'?! You even licked my nipple!!
Page 19:
Kirara: Does that also count as just 'scaring me a little'?!
Ken: Yeah whatever. Ok, time to go, get out.
Kirara: Don't joke/fuck with me you jerk!
Hey so what is there convo pages 3-7? Like what are they thinking/doing when Ken pushes kirara down etc? Thanks so much!
Page 3
Right after Ken pushed down Kirara and kissed him.
Kirara thoughts: My head... can't make do/make sense of this situation.
After more kissing
Kirara's thoughts: Ah, shit. I'm starting to get a little dizzy.
Page 4
Intense sexy stare by Kirara
Ken(panel 2 literally shows him licking his lips): What are you doing?
Kirara: Eh?
Page 5
Ken: Not struggling or resisting it, don't you feel troubled by it? Baka Kirara, so you can do it with anyone as long as it feels good?
Kirara: What?!!!
Page 6
Kirara attempting to punch Ken in the face, got grabbed by his fist, and pushed downwards.
Ken: Oi, I get infuriated every time I see you.
Page 7
Kirara: Let me go you jerk!
Ken: No way asshole.
Then it proceeds to Ken sucking on Kirara's tits with Kirara starting to moan Ken's name.
THANKS!!! You're my favorite person in the world right now it was literally killing me not being able to understand the dialogue in those pages!!!
Doesn't Kirara imply that with the new transfer arrival his lucky got even worse mean that cutie (might) will go after Ken? It sounds that way to me :/
Ya see, the lucky part is about the dubai trip. According to Kirara's mom, she said that piercings will change a person's luck for the worse. Kirara was like, then why don't he do a piercing, if 'a change of luck' can change his current predicament, then so be it, implying that he wanted the situation to change. Then we move onto the transfer student section (page 32), where Kirara first said something about the new transfer student being short, then said something along the lines 'My luck cannot get any worse.'
That statement is most likely a follow up to the statement on page 31 on him mentioning him wanting to change his situation (luck).
Page 32:
Kirara makes the kissy face, Ken be like, 'wot?'
Kirara mentions about how everytime when Ken leaves there would be something like a 'goodbye kiss', so this time he prepared himself for it. Then Ken took the chance and went for it.
Page 33:
Kirara kinda surprised/embarassed about it and mentioned so Ken still kissed him after all. Ken replied about how Kirara is making a really kissable face and that makes him feel very infuriating and followed up with more kisses.
Page 34:
Right after the follow up kiss, he provokes(?) Kirara about how he stinks of milk. Right when Ken leaves, he bumped into Kirara's mom who was really sorry about Kirara's requests. Ken just said that its ok and left. Kirara noticed that Ken arced his back while he left. (personal note: thats a boner alright lmao)
Long story short
>Ken pinned down Kirara
>Flashback to young Kirara being super oblivious and got saved by Ken before getting abducted or something
>Kirara asks if Ken likes him
>Ken brushed him off cuz there no way he likes a guy
>Heartbroken Kirara seen by the aniki and he brushed it off as nothing happened
>Didn't talk after the incident and summer vacation started
>Kirara went to dubai and came back in 1 panel
>Gave souvenirs to Yamaguchi and Kirara became even more effeminate than before, called a pettanko by Yamaguchi and almost mistaken as a girlfriend by the mom (Yamaguchi's)
>Yamaguchi asked why the piercing though, flashback to Kirara's mom picking up a piercing but doesn't want her ears pierced cuz according to some myth you get bad luck for piercing your ears. Kirara hears it and be like, then lemme pierce my ears cuz he want to change (his luck)
>Introduction of a new transfer student where Kirara calls him short at the back and ends with how Kirara was like his luck cant get any worse anyway