
Stabrina January 16, 2024 8:08 pm

You don’t have time to shit and text? No one is SO BUSY they can’t send a text before bed or when they’re on the toilet.

If I was dating someone who didn’t respond to my messages for a week it’s over. Who doesn’t look at their phone even once for a week? Unless it was confiscated— which it wasn’t

    Qxeen_zxy January 21, 2024 10:07 pm

    Literally! Even when I’m working, if I have a lunch break or a toilet break, I’m immediately replying to friends and family and when I was dating, I would even quickly call them. On my way home from work, I’d text them or if the sunset was particularly pretty that day, I’d send a pic of it. It literally isn’t that hard at all. Even if you’re busy, take a pic of what you’re busy with. You got coffee? Great! Snap a pic and send it to your partner. About to go to bed? Quickly send a goodnight text before passing out. If they wanted to find the time, they would.