cant wait to read this one

meowette January 16, 2024 9:58 am

cant wait to read this one

    meowette January 16, 2024 10:00 am

    just learnt it was cancelled because it was copied

    luki January 16, 2024 11:25 am
    just learnt it was cancelled because it was copied meowette


    luki January 16, 2024 11:26 am
    What luki

    What do you mean???

    「   」 January 16, 2024 1:12 pm
    What do you mean??? luki

    There's a plagiarized scandal going on abt this and meshinuma. That's why the production cancelled this manga.

    I come in peace May 23, 2024 12:08 am
    There's a plagiarized scandal going on abt this and meshinuma. That's why the production cancelled this manga. 「   」

    That sounds sucks