So, what a THINK i undertood so far is:
The Uke and the Seme's master are brothers. When Uke was a child he dressed and acted like i girl (idk if for himself or if the mother made him do it). The mfkr r*pist of this ch is their father and hated the uke acting like a girl. At some point (idk how when or why) the uke got kiddenept as a child and the leader of the troupe seems to be responsible for it. After that the uke started to be abused and bacame a prostitute (i think) and somehow he's forgotten all about his past (just in recent ch he's having some memories coming back to him). The Seme and his family attended that master's house and it seems like Seme and Uke knew each other since then, but Seme thought uke was a girl and didn't know why "she" disappeared before. The seme's master seems to be obsessed with him and jealous of the seme even before uke got kiddenept , and now he's pissed that the seme is getting away from him (not sure if he knows the uke is his lost brother). The guy abused in the last ch is from the troupe and got money from the father to kill the uke, but he couldn't do it so he was punished like that. The troupe leader is divided between handing uke over to the father or saving him (cause he has felling for uke even after abusing the uke and helped with his kiddnept). Sorry my bad english.
can someone try to summarize everything that happened so far idk wtf is happening anymore