I personally don't go crawling back to stuff that triggers me . But I do think that it's fucking weird to get mad at people who do. There are like tons of readers who keep reading in hope for it to get better. I don't think it's some kind of self harm to keep reading things you don't like. Some people like to see the end of things they started. You're being way too judgemental about that.
I think I am right because I am not the one who started this topic and is arguing about everyone in this thread about how they're wasting their time doing whatever they want which includes reading something they hate and expressing their opinions about it in comment section. Kind of hypocritical since you are wasting your time here complaining about them.
I’m genuinely confused on how this is a, “valid,” take.
“My story doesn’t seem to be gaining popularity.. let me sprinkle some rape in there because that’s the only logical thing.”
If you can’t make a story “interesting,” without involving rape, you’re a shitty writer.
Doesn’t matter if it gains more popularity, stop targeting the wrong fucking people. If you want people to BUY your shit make it worth money.
ngl if you guys dont want anymore rape in yaoi/BL,, i think its time you stop reading shit ONLY for free bc i bet you that the many people who cry abt it dont pay for anything
and how does that relate? well if you dont pay for non-rape stuff, the rape stuff sells therefore it seems more likely that to someone who is in an art industry swayed heavily by trends, it just looks like rape stories sell more
you literally cant complain when you add nothing to the many artists' pockets in the industry.