Why was he so shocked by the scar?!!, i saw a manga like this before can't remember it's ...

Kei kei December 29, 2016 7:01 pm

Why was he so shocked by the scar?!!, i saw a manga like this before can't remember it's name but when he saw the person's scar he remembered someone he knew from the past (⊙…⊙ )

    Mimiru December 29, 2016 8:41 pm

    Wasn't he shocked because Japanese people are careful with their skin? If he has such a large scar it can't be an accident.

    Kei kei December 29, 2016 9:03 pm
    Wasn't he shocked because Japanese people are careful with their skin? If he has such a large scar it can't be an accident. Mimiru

    Ohhhhh u mean he was abused or maby rap.... (=・ω・=)

    Kei kei December 29, 2016 9:05 pm
    Ohhhhh u mean he was abused or maby rap.... (=・ω・=) Kei kei

    But if so then he was probably abused or had an accident XDD

    Mimiru December 29, 2016 9:49 pm
    But if so then he was probably abused or had an accident XDD Kei kei

    well, abuse is a possibility... It could also be from fire, or from a fight,...
    Or maybe it was an accident...I just thought it isn't because he doesn't come across as a careless person, and he is working in traditional inn - so I thought he cares about the old customs, which also includes being careful with your skin (no matter if you're a boy or a girl) ..but maybe he wasn't like that in the past.
    anyway, I'm really curious how it will continue! *o*

    Kei kei December 29, 2016 10:52 pm
    well, abuse is a possibility... It could also be from fire, or from a fight,...Or maybe it was an accident...I just thought it isn't because he doesn't come across as a careless person, and he is working in tra... Mimiru

    Yea this is gonna be exciting ヾ(☆▽☆), ughh why can't i find the raws of it XD

    lenalena December 30, 2016 4:16 pm

    It's a large scar on his shoulder/back. It's normal to be shocked at seeing that, especially on a person who doesn't have visible scars elsewhere. It looks like a burn scar too.