Just me processing what I read

AXCEL January 15, 2024 11:50 pm

Okay, so:
- if kirishima wanted, he could've lived a perfectly "normal life" and even go on to become an "elite" w/almost no contact/reliance with the yakuza
- BUT, that kind of life is fucking boring for him (w/c can lead to despondency), and the yakuza way is what he hoped can give him that "zest of life", especially after discovering Yoshino
- who then goes on to become his tether, and a reason to live for
- unfortunately, yoshino isn't quite at that level yet and is consciously regarding him at the same level as when she "sold" her kidneys: despite his confession, he'll throw her away the moment she becomes "boring"

Asami sou:
- as a merchant of death, someone hired him to get rid/mess with the grandfather?? -> just guessing

    Sofia January 16, 2024 12:41 am

    That's the thing though.She's not THAT interesting.Sure she's brave and smart and yada yada yada,love her.But she's a high school student.She doesn't have many friends.She doesn't hang out that much.And she lives and do normal things.As she should.He finds her interesting cause he's fallen in love with her,so he's not "throwing"her away anytime soon

    LaNansha January 16, 2024 12:53 am

    In addition, Yoshino has realized that she actually cares about what happens to him—as seen by the chapters leading up to her finding him in the basement.

    I’m curious to see how she’ll behave once she does fall in love with him.

    AXCEL January 16, 2024 1:21 am
    That's the thing though.She's not THAT interesting.Sure she's brave and smart and yada yada yada,love her.But she's a high school student.She doesn't have many friends.She doesn't hang out that much.And she liv... Sofia

    Yup, but Yoshino can't process that YET
    That's why he was kinda exasperated by her reaction

    LaNansha January 16, 2024 2:04 am
    That's the thing though.She's not THAT interesting.Sure she's brave and smart and yada yada yada,love her.But she's a high school student.She doesn't have many friends.She doesn't hang out that much.And she liv... Sofia

    On the contrary, it’s because he finds her interesting that he’s fallen in love with her. He was taken with her when he saw her as a kid but was somewhat disappointed when he was confronted with her as a teenager. It’s really after he saw her being brave in the face of danger that he fell for her

    Sofia January 16, 2024 10:53 pm
    Yup, but Yoshino can't process that YETThat's why he was kinda exasperated by her reaction AXCEL

    Oooh sorry,I thought YOU were saying that he would throw her away when he gets bored,but you were explaining it from her point if view.Sorry I misunderstood

    Sofia January 16, 2024 11:03 pm
    On the contrary, it’s because he finds her interesting that he’s fallen in love with her. He was taken with her when he saw her as a kid but was somewhat disappointed when he was confronted with her as a te... LaNansha

    Mmmm..yeah I see your point but still don't agree. Yoshino IS interesting,but not at the point where someone like Kirishima who is so bored with life that he sometimes wish he was dead would change over so much if he wasn't in love.Shes brave but every woman who's connected with the Yakuza is,Kirishima must've encountered a ton of them,and other strong women, she's not the only one.And notice how when he described her in the last chapter ,he mainly talked about daily little quirks that she has.The little simple things that make him want to watch her,but those are things that you would look at endearingly only cause you care,not cause they're unique .And I honestly like my vision more you know,I think it's more romantic the fact that even though we're not THAT special there's still people who can fall in love with us.Or that even by being ordinary we can somewhat appear interesting in the eyes of who loves us.Anyway that's the way I like to look at it,you can keep yours,at the end of the day it's not important,everyone takes different views from a story and that's ok :)

    AXCEL January 16, 2024 11:13 pm
    Mmmm..yeah I see your point but still don't agree. Yoshino IS interesting,but not at the point where someone like Kirishima who is so bored with life that he sometimes wish he was dead would change over so much... Sofia

    Personally, I like to think both of you correct though :))) what LaNansha said was the "spark" and what Sofia said was what sustained and deepened it

    This is fun~ discussing contrasting views w/o leading to trash talks~

    LaNansha January 17, 2024 2:24 am
    Mmmm..yeah I see your point but still don't agree. Yoshino IS interesting,but not at the point where someone like Kirishima who is so bored with life that he sometimes wish he was dead would change over so much... Sofia

    That’s the point I was making, though. It’s because he finds her interesting that he fell in love with her. Nothing else would explain the fascination he has for her. Lol it’s like we’re saying the same thing but using different words.