I don't think anybody that is serving the king deservse death unless they really do.They f...

Novel_comic January 15, 2024 10:22 pm

I don't think anybody that is serving the king deservse death unless they really do.They follow the kings order and if they disobey they will be killed.The solders that killed her family had to carry the kings order but the people still got a quick,painless and honorable death,and that goes to the women too that usually don't have such a good fate. I don't think you should think things based on the modern world but the past , so if she wants to kill someone it should be the king of course if anyone gets in her way of killing him she can kill them.

    hello June 9, 2024 7:46 pm

    honorable but her mom was hung up on a crucifix? how is that honorable in any means...

    Novel_comic June 9, 2024 11:10 pm
    honorable but her mom was hung up on a crucifix? how is that honorable in any means... hello

    Getting to die in the battlefield is honorable for nobles, if they had kept her alive and then cut her head off in a guillotine that would have been shameful, they would rather commit suicide then have to bear the shame of being put in display alive and killed publicly