The Beta is going to end up with the omega

Kuroitenshi17 January 15, 2024 7:21 pm

So far even intk the second season it’s all about the OMEGA ^^

Rereading this from the beginning, I hate the alpha more because stringing along the beta is a lot more damaging mentally than what the omega did. Yes the omega drugged the beta but at the end of the day the beta had to say he was ok with it. Again YES I completely agree using a drug was a POS thing to do on the omegas part but it wasn’t rape. Also even this so called party that the omega will be at and the alpha really wants to see the omega. I BLAME THE ALPHA for that entire shit show because the alphas secretary could have gotten some random beta, why did the alpha need to bring the MC along. Not only that to also repeat what he did on the aquarium date and do the same thing he did last time. If the omega is somewhere he will ditch the beta; eff that to me being strung along is a million times worse, Also the alpha is way to obsessed with secondary characteristics which is why the omega started to hate the alpha as soon as he presented and assumed the omega needed him to become happy. Also let’s recap again the omega has been Pursuing the beta for YEARS. The omega if you reread chapter 40 resorts to this drug because he sensed the alphas pheromones on the beta - the omega knows the alpha well enough that he resorted to such a tactic. ALSO THE OMEGA KNEW THE ALPHA SO WELL THAT HE BROUGHT THE MC TO THE PARTY JUST LIKE THE OMEGA KNEW THE ALPHA WOULD DO!!! Drugging the MC is not the best thing to do BUT athe omega knows the beta so well that ever single person aside from himself the beta literally has no feelings for. For all of us the readers know the omega is protecting the beta in a weird twisted way because he knows the alpha Way better than people realize

I do not trust the alpha and his so called feelings AND how he never picked on the fact that the omega wanted to be treated like a human being just like before the alpha officially presented the omega treated him like. the omega treated the alpha well before the alpha present and after the alpha presented—- it’s the alpha that ruined their relationship for not seeing him as a human but as an object which is what the alpha is doing with the beta. The Alpha needs to seriously grow up, that relationship will always be toxic.

BACK TO the main topic ch 40 while yes again the omega drugged the beta BUT this sex ends up being consensual -Also let’s not forget the omega literally announced his unwavering devotion to always stick to the beta side no matter what happens. The omega even admits that he has had sex two times and ch 40 is the second so Literally the omega ONLY has eyes for the beta and has been around for a long time.
This Also means the alpha is a major idiot for self imprinting without even ever having sex with the omega - I just don’t respect the alpha even more now. Figure out a way to break your creepy self imprint because he doesn’t deserve the Beta.

During ch 40 the omega literally states it doesn’t bother him how many people the beta sleeps with he won’t view him Differently- Ch 41 The alpha basically calls him a slut then later fucks the beta and also knots him while he’s pasted out- If he author at the end makes the beta and the alpha end game I don’t know what I’d do because that relationship is so toxic there isn’t really a way to save it nor would I want to see the alpha even attempt it because he’s a pos and the BETA should never be someone’s second choice he’s not a Consolation prize

    kat January 16, 2024 5:01 am

    Naw man, that was rape and manipulation

    Kuroitenshi17 January 16, 2024 5:14 am
    Naw man, that was rape and manipulation kat

    He literally asked for consent before they had sex that’s not rape because if the beta said no he would not have done it. Manipulation fine but NOT rape

    Heu77 January 16, 2024 9:26 am
    He literally asked for consent before they had sex that’s not rape because if the beta said no he would not have done it. Manipulation fine but NOT rape Kuroitenshi17

    I thought drugged people cannot consent. Anyone who’s drunk, drugged, cannot consent regardless of what they said at the time. But either ways Omega dude is less evil than the ML and I root for the omega ML!! Please I hope he and beta ends up together, I used to root for the ML and him but ugh he’s getting on my nerves. Also thanks for the detailed thoughts, I agree

    agora hills ★彡 January 16, 2024 3:06 pm
    He literally asked for consent before they had sex that’s not rape because if the beta said no he would not have done it. Manipulation fine but NOT rape Kuroitenshi17

    Drugged people cannot consent. Having this kind of mindset will harm you and others in the future. Please be careful with what you say.

    Heu77 January 16, 2024 3:16 pm
    Drugged people cannot consent. Having this kind of mindset will harm you and others in the future. Please be careful with what you say. agora hills ★彡

    Yeah drugged people cannot consent. What the omega dude did is rape and it was on purpose on top of that, he planned it all.

    kat January 17, 2024 9:37 am
    He literally asked for consent before they had sex that’s not rape because if the beta said no he would not have done it. Manipulation fine but NOT rape Kuroitenshi17

    Ummmm, drugged and consent shouldn't even be in the same sentence my guy. It's rape. What that other guy did was rape too. Jail time for the both of them

    Kuroitenshi17 January 17, 2024 4:33 pm
    Drugged people cannot consent. Having this kind of mindset will harm you and others in the future. Please be careful with what you say. agora hills ★彡

    A drug that turns a beta into omega is complete fantasy that is not the same irl drugged. I appreciate concern but that’s a far stretch. Even the omega being drugged that’s not the same it’s not mind altering drugs that exist IRL. This ain’t a drug like Molly, ecstasy, even being high off of weed, or even being extremely intoxicated. This is FANTASY —- IF ANYTHING I could say this is the same as giving someone Viagra

    If you give someone viagra - even in court cases it is not viewed as the same as being under the influence.

    So again CORRECTION- you can get in trouble for giving someone viagra against their will BUT they can absolutely give consent I can’t believe I had to look this up on law websites for you people so you get your FACTS correct

    Law definition: Consent cannot be given when a person is incapacitated. Incapacitation = lack of consciousness, being asleep, involuntarily restrained, intoxicated such that one cannot knowingly choose to participate in sexual activity, or if a person otherwise cannot Consent.

    ^^ SO AGAIN the beta was absolutely capable of giving consent. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk have a good day

    Kuroitenshi17 January 17, 2024 4:41 pm

    Just because I can already see this coming giving the MC the omega drug - one could argue it qualifies for a case of drug facilitated sexual assault- maybe you can make a case for it BUT the most important part is the beta was able to give affirmative consent. The beta also had the ability to say STOP no more I don’t want this. <—- once those words are stated then you have a real case.

    Drug-facilitated sexual assault occurs when alcohol or drugs are used to compromise an individual's ability to consent to sexual activity. These substances make it easier for a perpetrator to commit sexual assault because they lower inhibitions, reduce a person’s ability to resist, and can prevent them from remembering details of the assault. Drugs and alcohol can cause diminished capacity, a legal term that varies in definition from state to state.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:43 pm
    A drug that turns a beta into omega is complete fantasy that is not the same irl drugged. I appreciate concern but that’s a far stretch. Even the omega being drugged that’s not the same it’s not mind alte... Kuroitenshi17

    No the beta did rape. Drugged people cannot give consent, if Beta wasn’t drugged, his body would not have those alteration and he wouldn’t have willingly slept with the Beta. It’s because he was drugged, he had NO CHOICE but to consent.

    Consent that is under body alterations/changes, incapacity is not valid consent/ real consent. Consent is when you choose to do it willingly and because you WANT to.

    Beta here did not want to but he felt all these effects from the drugs and the omega dude took advantage and manipulated him, persuaded him.

    Just because it’s a different kind of drug does not change anything.

    Rape is when you don’t give real consent. Drugged people regardless of what drugs, cannot consent.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:47 pm
    A drug that turns a beta into omega is complete fantasy that is not the same irl drugged. I appreciate concern but that’s a far stretch. Even the omega being drugged that’s not the same it’s not mind alte... Kuroitenshi17

    The omega dude is already bad enough for drugging him, and now he’s also taken this situation to an advantage and forced consent under the drug effects. That is not real consent.

    I don’t know how you think it’s a valid consent when someone is under drug influences. Just because this is fiction doesn’t change anything, still rape. That drug seems to still have real life effects, Omega dude said it himself that it’s a drug for special purposes.

    it was just to turn beta to an omega, but the drugs also came with effects of feeling WEIRD. That is same as real life even if the purpose is unrealistic.

    Please do not feed the rape mindset. It’s absolutely invalidating to me who have experienced this type of situation and felt the need to get rid of such weird feeling. The beta was not capable, and even if he was, it’s not a valid consent.

    The beta himself said that he wouldn’t sleep with another man twice. Why would he sleep with the omega again with consent? He clearly didn’t but was made to consent due to the DRUGS.

    Kuroitenshi17 January 17, 2024 4:48 pm
    No the beta did rape. Drugged people cannot give consent, if Beta wasn’t drugged, his body would not have those alteration and he wouldn’t have willingly slept with the Beta. It’s because he was drugged, ... Heu77

    I literally looked through multiple law websites- THIS SITUATION IS NOT RAPE AND WOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED RAPE BY THE LAW

    AND also no the beta could have called up the alpha and told the omega to leave that’s not what happened

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:52 pm
    Just because I can already see this coming giving the MC the omega drug - one could argue it qualifies for a case of drug facilitated sexual assault- maybe you can make a case for it BUT the most important part... Kuroitenshi17

    Real consent- Willingly doing it under no alternation effects
    Invalid consent- Doing it under alterations/any other body changes, it doesn’t have to be mind effected

    The beta willingly believed that he could be helped by the omega so of course he went for it. But it’s still not VALID CONSENT.

    In Chapter 40 near the end, the beta told the omega to stop but the omega forced him to consent and using word tactics. The omega kissed him without consent, that is sexual assault already.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:55 pm
    I literally looked through multiple law websites- THIS SITUATION IS NOT RAPE AND WOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED RAPE BY THE LAW AND also no the beta could have called up the alpha and told the omega to leave that’s ... Kuroitenshi17

    You looking at websites doesn’t change that it’s not real consent. Real consent is if he willingly chose to do it without any effects on his body/mind.

    He was forced to consent. He could have called ML bit that doesn’t change the fact that the beta refused at first until the omega forced him down, kissed him while MC said stop (which is assault already and borderline rape) and the omega manipulated him as well as going as far to lie about his body changes. He FORCED consent.

    Beta could’ve masterbated on his own as he said but the omega forced his way through regardless till beta agreed with invalid consent.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:56 pm
    I literally looked through multiple law websites- THIS SITUATION IS NOT RAPE AND WOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED RAPE BY THE LAW AND also no the beta could have called up the alpha and told the omega to leave that’s ... Kuroitenshi17

    In the chapter it also shows that he felt dazed and it did effect him physically, just because it isn’t mind related does not make it any less of borderline rape. The omega had a plan and he went through it. That’s already disgusting enough.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 4:59 pm
    I literally looked through multiple law websites- THIS SITUATION IS NOT RAPE AND WOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED RAPE BY THE LAW AND also no the beta could have called up the alpha and told the omega to leave that’s ... Kuroitenshi17

    And the way you’re really trying to justify the omega drugging the beta is just disgusting and what a shitty mindset. Just because the beta could speak doesn’t make it any less borderline rape.

    Yes the alpha shouldn’t have brought the beta to the party but he just wanted to, it’s not like he knew this was gonna happen. Also the way you’re blaming the alpha more here is sickening and the way you’re trying to justify the omega’s bad actions.

    Both of them are bad but you’re here justifying the omega.

    Kuroitenshi17 January 17, 2024 5:01 pm
    Real consent- Willingly doing it under no alternation effectsInvalid consent- Doing it under alterations/any other body changes, it doesn’t have to be mind effectedThe beta willingly believed that he could be... Heu77

    Again I actually did my research on what affirmative consent is looked up sexual assault and rape cases etc etc. I am not discussing this with you further because you are not comprehending what I’m providing for you. You can make your argument all you want but it will never change the fact that in a COURT OF LAW- just because you feel it’s rape doesn’t mean it was. Even the fact that the omega ASKED FOR CONSENT further lessens your argument to actually call it rape. Also everyone is overlooking how th beta feels- do you see the beta feeling like the omega took advantage of this “sudden fake heat”. The beta doesn’t look at the omega negatively- if anything after this happened he was over joyed by how the omega said he would never leave him. When the beta finds out about the omega drug he is also going to remember how he asked for consent…

    I am not going to further respond you have a lovely day

    Kuroitenshi17 January 17, 2024 5:03 pm
    And the way you’re really trying to justify the omega drugging the beta is just disgusting and what a shitty mindset. Just because the beta could speak doesn’t make it any less borderline rape. Yes the alph... Heu77

    Read above in no way did I say it’s OK I’m just pointing out to you it’s not rape you can call it whatever you want I do not care because out of the end of the day it’s not “rape” at least in the eyes of the law

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 5:05 pm
    Again I actually did my research on what affirmative consent is looked up sexual assault and rape cases etc etc. I am not discussing this with you further because you are not comprehending what I’m providing... Kuroitenshi17

    Ch 40 before the sex, the sexual assault did happen. Clearly you didn’t do the right research then. He kissed MC without consent and MC told him to stop, go re read and talk.

    Just because the omega asked for consent AFTER the first round of sex which was forced consent by the Omega dude.

    Just because your court of law says it doesn’t mean it’s all true, many courts don’t even mention/consider men being raped.

    Vice versa just because you feel it isn’t rape doesn’t mean it isn’t any less borderline rape. It may not be rape but it is borderline.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 5:05 pm
    Read above in no way did I say it’s OK I’m just pointing out to you it’s not rape you can call it whatever you want I do not care because out of the end of the day it’s not “rape” at least in the ey... Kuroitenshi17

    Um yes you did in your OG post where you tried to justify the omega drugging the MC. And hating on the ML for just bring him to a damn party lmaoo.

    Heu77 January 17, 2024 5:06 pm
    Read above in no way did I say it’s OK I’m just pointing out to you it’s not rape you can call it whatever you want I do not care because out of the end of the day it’s not “rape” at least in the ey... Kuroitenshi17

    “The omega if you reread chapter 40 resorts to this drug because he sensed the alphas pheromones on the beta - the omega knows the alpha well enough that he resorted to such a tactic“

    You’re trying to come up with a reason to justify the drug spike. Not cool.