Yeah I find sex to be so overrated personally. It's not actually that great, lovey dovey couple stuff is so cringe and imagining myself doing that grosses me out majorly lmfao. Even kissing or holding hands in public embarassed tf outta me. So yeah, that's all...kinda disgusting lol.
I AM also a sex-averse asexual so that plays a huge part lol

Fair, personally I find Saliva gross so kissing is weird and icky to me. Holding hands and cheek kisses and conversations are what I personally enjoy, I like when a person is honest and we can talk and connect and learn from each other. In comparison, sex and intimacy are always weird to me. Both because humans are icky and because I generally have major trust issues. Public shows of affection are also just not my thing at all. Like, I feel awkward when I see couples kissing and cuddling and stuff. I don't know how to react to them. Hugs or holding hands is okay in public but kissing is odd to me. I don't wanna see that nor show people that.
Ch7. As soon as he said 'Thats kinda disgusting' I fell in love. YES. FAIR. I agree. lol. He loves Renji ma boi so they do that stuff and he enjoys it and all that but intimacy and kissing and all that weird shit is TOTALLY kinda disgusting. First time I have related to a sentence so hard.
I might just be thinking of his words in the wrong way but, if so, until ch8 comes out, that sentence is my favorite sentence.