She had a husband who was the previous hole and was the grandpa of the MC. Her two sons didn't become the hole cuz the eldest didn't want to stay in the town and the youngest son has a small pp. So MC (the grandson) became the new hole ( ̄∇ ̄")
She had a husband who was the previous hole and was the grandpa of the MC. Her two sons didn't become the hole cuz the eldest didn't want to stay in the town and the youngest son has a small pp. So MC (the gran... æ☆jæ
Lol thank you for that, but I meant how did she have boys, everyone else in town only gives birth to daughters
Lol thank you for that, but I meant how did she have boys, everyone else in town only gives birth to daughters JosieB357
Oh, sorry xD maybe its cuz the grandfather was the previous hole? and so the bloodline runs in them to be a man and become the next hole store owner? LMFAO
I stopped reading at chapter 15 but can someone tell me why the grandma was able to have two sons?