
Yellowcanary January 15, 2024 3:36 am

I think Oushi it’s such an interesting character, because you know that the main couple is strong and is only getting stronger yet he’s someone you also don’t want to see fail at least if you sympathize with him. He is getting awful of ice from everyone, but think he needs to stop centering Yuki and start centering himself. I genuinely hope he stops being friends with her just like I hope, Emma stops being friends with Itsu. I think you can be friends with someone you used to have a crush on, but I don’t think those friendships are worth salvaging. I think Emma and Oushi would be able to be good friends for each other whilst still maintaining boundaries Because only she knows what he’s going through. Because she found someone who was able to love her flaws and all, I believe the author will introduce a character for Oushi because if he goes through all this and is left alone with no friends, I will riot. a bonus points if he does all this and is also MLM which is unlikely to happen, but not impossible.

While I think he can move on from Yuki on his own, I think it would be easier if he has someone to move on similarly to Emma. I wish the author takes pity on Oushi because I can only imagine it’s going to get worse from here.
