I really don't know where the story is going on. It could be a banal romance between MC &a...

KioroDjirane January 14, 2024 2:02 pm

I really don't know where the story is going on. It could be a banal romance between MC & ML but something tell me it wouldn't be that simple. ML really seems to be inspired by MC"s real life & created to 'heal' the broken MC. We also know that MC also had a Sunbae that somewhat take care of him (like MC do for ML). White Haired guy is sus as fuck but I don't know if he is an antagonist or something totally different (The sunbae himself ? The real end goal ?). So yeah I'm really confused and in the end it could just be as simple as the story goes (Them falling in love, healing each other and somewhat be translated into MC's reality) but I really enjoy the ride so far.
