Mini summary

Mooonb January 14, 2024 11:27 am

So, we have Agatha aka heesos mom, and Caecilia aka Taekyungs adoptive mom.
Aghata and Caecilia killed someone. THEY BOTH did. That's what we see in the flashbacks in the snowy mountain.
Then for some reason Caecilia KILLED Agatha, that happens when the cathedral gets on fire.

I hope this is a little better for your understanding haha.

    Akirajhay012 January 14, 2024 11:50 am

    And some more shit will happen to have that first chapter a real thing and more darker

    HereWeScreamSilently January 14, 2024 11:58 am
    And some more shit will happen to have that first chapter a real thing and more darker Akirajhay012

    Fr i'm terrified