Even if that’s the case- one did not force the other. They agreed on the change of relationship even if they misunderstood. It’s still not the toxic type of way others may think the relationship turned into mistreatment or something like that. Either way, if you’re gonna spoil- at least put into detail what exactly is going on rather than making it vague and make readers start thinking things are worse than it actually sounds.

Anyways toxic is a strong word and no where close to how I would describe the relationship change. Having misunderstandings and miscommunications shouldn’t automatically equal being toxic. There are much more worse relationships in other stories that are better called toxic. In the relationship- they both still care and definitely like each other. They both did not do anything crazy and despite misunderstandings at least talked to each other and arranged a new change together.

No problem! It’s absolutely no like that lol. More so the mc is upset and it seems like mc suggested the change instead. The ml went along with it. It’s one of those “we only will have sex and be sex partners” and pretend to not care about each other despite the fact that they do. Anyways they both agreed and neither is really hurting the other badly. They both are safe and just putting on a front lol
To my disapointment, The story is getting a weird turn, and turning toxic
They are both not thinking staight and hurting each other.