Looking for a title

Lil December 29, 2016 2:12 am

Hi, I just remembered a scene from a manga I read long time ago, please help me find it:

There are these two boys that are friends, one of them is an heir to a rich family, the second one is from the family that protects the rich one. Once, the son of the servant family is mistakenly kidnapped in place of the rich heir. The head of the rich family does everything to find the boy and when the boy reunites with his rich friend, he looks all tough, telling his friend that it was alright and such. But as soon as he gets into the car to go back home, he hugs his mother tightly, crying really hard because he was really scared during the kidnapping and he didn't want his friend to find out how he truly was.

Sorry if it is confusing, that's all I can remember.
