#1 Jooin Supporter

Yesi January 13, 2024 6:03 pm

I get what Jooin wanted, he saw himself in Cain. Like when Jooin let himself get walked all over for Yawhi to be content with him. He knew living for someone else is not the way to go, and so he freed Cain from that burden. I know people wanna be like “Jooin is so dramatic/Jooins dragging it on/Jooin is leading Cain on yet again” but Jooin is the only one who can give Cain closure with a proper breakup. I really like Jooin, I didn’t want him to end up with anyone because both options were unhealthy, but if Cain comes back after finally living life for himself, then I wouldn’t be upset if they got back together. Jooin is so misunderstood, I hope every little Yawhi dick rider learns to put themselves first like Jooin did throughout this story lol.
