oh.... OH... kim dan, no....

bedazzled_ January 13, 2024 3:05 pm

welp...... wtf . DRUNK CONSENT IS NOT CONSENT, EVERYONE!!! kim dan... ik u like him but u getting cray-cray now. just because he's drunk (and we know jaekyung is the darkest red flag) it doesn't excuse the shit that just happened in this chapter... lmao ig this made them good for each other. both of them are fcked in the head.

atp, im reading this to see potato's love story with pretty boi lol. can't wait for their progress and story. i feel like they'll have a better dynamic....

ig we'll be loving the side couple better... AGAIN. it's giving bj alex LMAO

    Shadowthewolf January 13, 2024 3:10 pm

    Well I mean horseface tends to rape Dan often so I guess we shouldn't be too mad

    bedazzled_ January 13, 2024 3:46 pm
    Well I mean horseface tends to rape Dan often so I guess we shouldn't be too mad Shadowthewolf

    im not mad. mostly surprised with the turn of events actually lmao.

    and... if we think abt it... dan always gave his consent to jaekyung. they're both consenting adults. im NOT DEFENDING jaekyung btw. because it doesn't change the fact that when they do it, it's sexual abuse. jaekyung hurts kim dan, that would not change. and jaekyung just really uses kim dan as he likes. kim dan gives his consent but it still is abuse. and istg, i will never like jaekyung, even if he has his so called redemption.

    but in this chapter, it's obvious that kim dan took advantage of the situation, which makes him a rapist, since getting a "consent" from a drunk person should never be considered a true consent since it is not a clear consent. as stated in the law (in my country... idk abt other countries)

    consent follows FRIES. It stands for Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific. if a person is drunk, we can't really say it is freely given, since their judgement is clouded.

    besides it was so painstakingly obvious that dan was taking advantage of the situation. which in a sense doesn't really differ from what jaekyung does to kim dan...

    that's why the conclusion is, both of them are perfect for each other and abuser and a rapist (although i think this situation will be a one-time thing, so ig it will not really make kim dan's whole personality, unlike jaekyung who has been really constant with his personality lol)

    im not doing this to hate on kim dan, but we criticize jaekyung with all his actions, so we should also criticize kim dan since what he did is also a crime.

    wow, can't believe i wrote an essay abt consent because of a manwha LMAO. im just bored