I hope they will get the freedom to choose

FloresDelMal December 28, 2016 10:21 pm

even thought the time in the island worked wonders in many of them and they are more than ready to face the harshness of japan"s society, many more could just crumble under the pressure, because many of the skills on which their new found confidence is built upon just wont translate in modern day japan, plus i could like for them to have the choice, i beliave they can be fulfilled in their small self suficient communist paradise heh

    manganiME January 9, 2017 7:02 am

    They could move to underpopulated Japan, rural areas and do the same thing. In fact, the gov't bemoaning the depopulation of non-city areas should cooperate with these folks and give them land in the abandoned rural areas. Hand them tools, seeds, etc, let them take over abandoned homes, and let them grow food and see what happens.