you know when you read a manga and can just tell it was written by a misogynistic man

starryskei January 13, 2024 12:43 pm

you know when you read a manga and can just tell it was written by a misogynistic man

    Imo March 20, 2024 12:49 am

    literally cuz why are all the women either evil or "voluntarily" being assaulted?

    Classic June 24, 2024 4:52 pm

    I don't think term misogynistic would be right to use, most these stories are inspired by true crimes so.....

    Classic June 24, 2024 4:58 pm

    Also these stories are pretty raw, there's more to it than just being assualt and be assaulted, these compilations show mirror to horror faced in real world
    if you wanna to connect it, these are really fu*ked up horror stories.

    starryskei June 29, 2024 11:08 am
    Also these stories are pretty raw, there's more to it than just being assualt and be assaulted, these compilations show mirror to horror faced in real world if you wanna to connect it, these are really fu*ked u... Classic

    i enjoy reading fucked up things but can see a torture porn specifically created in degrading women. literally this manga is like the first reply said, the women in this manga are either villain who enjoy nothing but sex or victim who voluntarily get her corpse being c*mmed by bunch of rando men.....lets use our critical thinking for a little realize even some horror or tcc media aren't immune of being criticized for its misogynistic undertone right? thats why there is a whole criticism for producer like damien leone, fred vogel, pascal laugier etc for major differences depiction between the men and women’s death in certain gore film like Art the Clown, Terrifier 2, because it features gratuitously sexualised violence towards women. Just so you know it is possible to make a good horror media or a good commentary on social issues through art without simultaneously creating misogynistic gore porn.

    EveElena August 10, 2024 12:27 am

    LOCK HIS ASS UP IMMEDIATELY!!! This was definitely written by someone who hates women to an extreme level. I might call Olivia Benson on this one.