I’m so grossed out by maybe possessed horny dude

STAY_Graceful January 13, 2024 10:52 am

I swear every chapter I read with this “couple” I get more and more grossed out. Like I’ve read some fucked up one-shots and series’ on here and other places but black hair dude just really creeps me out so much. He looks likes he’s possessed by a gay horny ghost who’s lived for 900 years and hasn’t known what it’s like to touch someone. If you like this “couple” that’s great for you but I despise them I don’t think anyone in this triangle(?) should get together in the end white hair dude deserves waaaay better

    Blluver4life January 13, 2024 1:41 pm


    TheOldYaoiFan January 13, 2024 5:19 pm

    "Possed by Ghost" is WILD
    But yeah I agree, he's hella creepy and and Norman is way better off with his roomate