Yahwi and Cain ate stronger than me because I’m sorry but I don’t see Jooin as this gr...

justsittin January 13, 2024 5:10 am

Yahwi and Cain ate stronger than me because I’m sorry but I don’t see Jooin as this great person they make him at to be??? Like how did he make any of them happy?? I’m genuinely so confused and yes I did read the story but most of it was just Jooin going back and forth and stringing them along as for what?

    Shioko Sakurazuka January 13, 2024 5:43 am

    I hope Cain realizes that too in the future.

    Ichigo January 13, 2024 6:00 am

    LITERALLY!!!! Cain for sure had him on a pedestal he didn't deserve to be on.. he only saw Jooin through these rose colored glasses because of their past life. I hope in the future when they're apart he realizes Jooin ain't shit, and not capable of a healthy relationship.