can we just move on already

Erina Arthur January 13, 2024 3:24 am

it's getting so repetitive and boring with mc getting humiliated after his silly little act of confidence every single damn time wtf

    PumpkinSpiceLatte January 13, 2024 3:14 am

    I just think he's like a cat who is trying to act like a lion, to survive.

    PumpkinSpiceLatte January 13, 2024 3:14 am

    I just think he's like a cat who is trying to act like a lion, to survive. So, he's usually scared but since childhood has learned to never let it show. Hence, acts the way he does, as a coping mechanism of sorts. He's trying his best in the dog eat dog world hence his silly little acts of confidence. As for getting humiliated constantly, I highly doubt that will change anytime soon. You know how it goes in these kinds of manhwa lol. Maybe we can expect marginal improvements in season 2 when Seung-Tae is more on Sihyeon's side. At least, that would stop others from messing with him. As for their own dynamics, I am not really expecting Seung-Tae to turn over a new leaf with Sihyeon's until the last couple chapters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PumpkinSpiceLatte January 13, 2024 3:25 am

    I just think he's like a cat who is trying to act like a lion, to survive. So, he's usually scared but since childhood has learned to never let it show. Hence, acts the way he does, as a coping mechanism of sorts. He's trying his best in the dog eat dog world hence his silly little acts of confidence. As for getting humiliated constantly, I highly doubt that will change anytime soon. You know how it goes in these kinds of manhwa lol. Maybe we can expect marginal improvements in season 2 when Seung-Tae is more on Sihyeon's side. At least, that would stop others from messing with him. As for their own dynamics, I am not really expecting Seung-Tae to turn over a new leaf with Sihyeon's until the last couple chapters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PumpkinSpiceLatte January 13, 2024 3:27 am

    Sorry, not trying to spam you. My phone is broken. (⊙…⊙ )

    Erina Arthur January 13, 2024 3:36 am
    Sorry, not trying to spam you. My phone is broken. (⊙…⊙ ) PumpkinSpiceLatte

    oh no lol it's alright and I get you but even acting has the chance of being a hit or miss yet all we could see are countless messes one after another and it's starting to make no sense bec with all this, one normally would be physically and mentally too traumatised to keep up with the act
    however, if all the never-ending rape and humiliation doesn't faze him still, he definitely would be able to come up with better counterback measures rather than the flat out one flop followed by another. logic is leaving the convo at this rate.

    PumpkinSpiceLatte January 13, 2024 4:47 pm
    oh no lol it's alright and I get you but even acting has the chance of being a hit or miss yet all we could see are countless messes one after another and it's starting to make no sense bec with all this, one n... Erina Arthur

    Yeah, I think constant flops don't faze him because he has been treated like that since childhood. So, maybe it's normal to him? As for better counter measures, I think winning for him entails showing his dominance over his opponent. So that's why he's constantly trying to fuck Seung-Tae. With him being such a weak player in the game with giants, power-wise and financially too, I don't think he can realistically plan other strategies. I mean, what according to you he could achieve on his own current strength that would have chances of succeeding?

    AWinterWonderLand January 15, 2024 4:00 am

    Indeed repetitive and not in a good way!!!