I also feel like people are forgetting that she was originally crazy. This young girl had ...

Virgoesp January 12, 2024 6:02 pm

I also feel like people are forgetting that she was originally crazy. This young girl had murderous ideations. That’s not typically normal, she never had a reason to act because the ONE thing she wanted was hers. Now that he’s “gone” her love and safe space is broken. I feel people got so used to bat shit lover boy that they forgot who sis really was. Like this guy was in her DREAMS we don’t know what he know but it has to be crazy

    Cale henituse' wife January 13, 2024 10:26 pm

    And ppl also forget, Siyun was crazy possessive bcs there were so many ppl around Jeongmin, Jeongmin never had that issue, ever. She seemed so passive and normal bcs there was NO REASON for her to show her crazy side. She also thought she’d be fine with him getting along with others so she pushed him to connect with his family and friends, but now it seems shes starting to realize that its a mistake(bet shes gonna snap when she finds out that the parents want him to move).