nah thats valid af, on another manhwa i read the raws and was fuming ab a character that nobody else had a quarrel with. if youve not read the raws and theres not a single reason to think something besides what is presented and inferred to you, then the feeling is valid (i hate that pink fucker too, theres literally no way to redeem his ass. not only did he cheat, which is like, i guess you could BS or something and make it not like what it seems, but IN THE MOMENT HE IS A CREEPY ASS STALKER. NO MATTER WHAT, IF HES A CHEATING WHORE OR NOT, HE IS STALKING SOMEONE AND FOLLOWING THEM TO THEIR JOB AND TALKING TO THEIR FRIENDS AND STUDENTS TO DIG UP INFO. THATS STALKING, AND THERES NO TALKING YOUR WAY OUT OF IT)
Well tbh even before I saw the raws I didn’t really understand the hate? I mean it’s probably because the character doesn’t really talk to me. I kinda forget he exists until he’s on screen, I don’t see him scheming or as a scheming bitch so he’s kinda just there for me. So I would maybe get why people would like him but I don’t really get the excessive hate? But it’s just me
Okay since I don’t know the raws then I’ll just explain my point of view from only seeing the chapters. I do agree that I don’t care enough about pink hair to think of him when he isn’t on screen however he does have his issues. From what we know he cheated on his partner to fuck ml and because of the affair ml and a pink hairs partner get into a fight that causes his sports career to end right? Based on that alone he’s already problematic bc he’s a cheater. Then what we’ve seen from the ml he doesn’t want anything to do with pink hair yet he went all the way to Korea to rekindle their relationship. That itself is incredibly selfish of him bc he doesn’t stop to consider ml’s feelings and if he is aware then he simply doesn’t care bc he wants another chance. Which again is selfish and narcissistic. To make matters worse he stalks him which bothers the ml and my viewpoint is based on reality and my morals so he’s disgusting for stalking him when he was one of the reasons his only passion was destroyed. Not to mention he invited what he believes to be a student to his house to get details on what believes is his teacher so he doesn’t about the whole body swap thing so he believes they have a real teacher student relationship. Now the student could go home and tell his parents that the teachers ex invited him to his house and bribed him and he’s noticed the stalking too which is unprofessional and could put the teachers job at risk but since the mc has the whole character swap thing going on that won’t happen but the pink hair doesn’t know that so he doesn’t care that he could potentially ruin ml career again. So that’s probably why people don’t like him bc he is scheming to get another chance from ml and we know this bc he said he’d be glad if the teacher liked the student bc then ml wouldn’t be able to get with the student so pink hair could swoop in. So yeah he is plotting and he’s a horribly narcissistic character but we haven’t seen more of his thought process so he could in the end not to be that bad but we’ve seen only the worst in him so obviously people are going to insult him whenever he shows up cuz nobody wants to see him on screen.
Oh I get all of that that’s why I’m saying he’s still a bitch but idk maybe it’s because I’ve seen worse that now he just seems like a pathetic annoying fly that runs around. But yeah I think for me it’s the « I so don’t care about and you’re so not worth my time and my anger » But also I kinda like the whole plot point with the MC wher the MC just hoped the pink haired dude was outright evil so he could hate him. I think this speaks a lil to me
Andy is fucking garbage and I’m tired of seeing his selfish conniving ass on screen. Straight human shit. Anyways this story needs to move a lil bit faster pleaseeee.