I just had to login and comment here, first I pray to God that the uploading goes faster cuz I'm always on a hot sit anticipating, Lord I even read this chapter five time, and yes! I could not agree with Alucardxx even more, we should understand the characters and stop being lunatic taking sides, I honestly pity Sasya cuz from the beginning of this story bro has been suffering, he only had that short period of time to love till the shitty crime happened. And for a moment there I thought Karel was void of any type of emotions towards Sasya but he's not. Dude ain't over his first love if he could make that face after Sasya said he was all right. Merry fuck day for the new year.

Wow even I forgot the lobotomy existed lol like yes they had little to none information about mental illness and would most likely just do random shit to their brain or body. I also think people back then really didn’t know mental illness that well and probably just call the ppl who have it crazy psycho or something which makes sense.
Ok I have never commented on this site but seeing some of these comments fills me with RAGE. How do people on this site continue to disappoint me. Some of y’all no media literacy and it fucking shows. This isn’t a situation where one person can be blamed good god. Yes Karel has a right to be upset at Sasya but sasya also had his fucking reasons. Just because he did what he did doesn’t give you the right to diminish him and call him a whore or selfish?!?!? Good god some of y’all seriously need to go back to school and understand how to interpret shit. This isn’t a situation where you can take sides both have their reasons. Both characters are complex and in truth very realistic they have flaws and that’s what makes the, good characters. It’s literally disgusting to call sasya selfish when he was literally struggling so much??!! And yes I know mental illness doesn’t fix or excuse your actions it fucking EXPLAINS THEM GOOD GOD. Sasya had been suffering and to make matters worse this was a time before we had all the medical enhancement we have now. The fucking lobotomy was only stopped in 1967 and this manhwa takes place during the 1910s-1920s (and yes I know the lobotomy wasn’t invented until 1935 this is only to show how little people knew about mental illness) so yes even if Sasya got help do you think it would’ve done anything?!?!? And I’m not trying to blame karel either his anger is totally understandable he was abandoned by the one person he loved and it’s understandable for him to not want to communicate. But to ridicule Sasyas character because he hurt karel is appalling and shows you have no understanding of literature. This is a complicated scenario where communication is CRUCIAL. A second ago before we saw sasyas side of the story, he seemed like a villain and almost as if karel was keeping him captive (when Julian visited them it appeared that way). But we find out what has been going on with Sasya this whole time and it suddenly makes sense. Does this excuse the fact that he frantically left without a word no but it EXPLAINS it. And this situation is only worsened by a third party, Julian (who I’m not at all blaming since he didn’t know the full picture either) who made Karel believe that Sasya abandoned him because he didn’t love him (again not blaming Julian this is only what he thought was going on as an outsider and wanted to protect his brother). Again neither are at fault here and they both need to communicate and I really hope they don’t just immediately get back together but it’s more of a gradual process. Once more no one is at fault here so don’t fucking put Sasya down when you don’t understand his character at all. The same goes for Karel no one should ridicule his character when you can’t understand him or the situation.