Sorry but Aeroc doesn’t deserve this 2nd chance at life if hes so determined to make the...

mari January 12, 2024 12:52 am

Sorry but Aeroc doesn’t deserve this 2nd chance at life if hes so determined to make the same mistakes. Like you lost your fortune to a scam TWICE?? And you choose to get help from this POS as if hes the only financial adviser out there??
It’s crazy to me that 99% of their relationship has been negative yet Aeroc clings to that 1%. Clough is just a fucking loser that he attached onto for no reason. I’m actually so annoyed lol

    JustCallMeApple January 12, 2024 2:17 am

    The problem is Aelock is really clueless when it comes to money. Even his dad doesn’t know how to manage money, and had his own advisor, who retired after his death. A lot of nobles do… if you read the novel, Klopp criticizes a lot of his clients for being helpless

    And Aelock was so broken at the ending of s1, his mind was consumed by so much pain, I didn’t expect him to really retain any useful information that could help him. And he didn’t have contact after his fall, and before his fall he was scammed by different people how could he remember it all after all that torment he went through. I remember in the novel v2, Klopp was saying that a few intelligent individual investors can get together and try to scam him. This happened in s1. Who could you trust? When a lot of factors worked against you… from misinformation and so on. Huhuhu I hate to admit but its really bad :(

    As for going to Klopp, he did try hiring a different person, but that guy was just incompetent and made things worst for Aelock. He approved that bad investment. Just because Aelock’s dad long time friend recommended it doesn’t mean it’s any good. No one could really handle Teiwind’s enormous fortune and assets as good as Klopp, I hate to admit it. The reason why Klopp was so freaking rich in s1, is he knows how to manage nobles like Aelock, he even gained recognition from the royal family. Klopp was really the best in his field…

    But I do feel frustrated that he still likes Klopp… but I think it’s because he did brainwash himself especially towards the end. He really thinks that Klopp was this good person who he dragged down by his sin. Even when Klopp was rude to him. He just takes it. The events from the first life is still there… and I hate it. I want Aelock to be more confident huhuhu!

    Ichinisan January 12, 2024 4:16 am
    The problem is Aelock is really clueless when it comes to money. Even his dad doesn’t know how to manage money, and had his own advisor, who retired after his death. A lot of nobles do… if you read the nove... JustCallMeApple

    Didn't aelock from tl 3 more confident than his original? But yeah too bad Klopp is an asshole who chased him again and again lmao

    tori January 12, 2024 4:45 am

    Pick me energy

    mari January 12, 2024 6:09 am
    The problem is Aelock is really clueless when it comes to money. Even his dad doesn’t know how to manage money, and had his own advisor, who retired after his death. A lot of nobles do… if you read the nove... JustCallMeApple

    I've seen and agreed with your comments here before so I appreciate the perspective LOL. The context helps but I still hate it Like I don't expect Aelock to remember every detail from his first life but making bad investments (regardless that they were a coordinated attack) is THE thing that made him lose all his money. So I feel like he should be way more cautious with investments this time around. I guess I just have an issue with the writing. It bugs me that Aelock's situation is pushing him back to Klopp because Klopp is written to be a uniquely smart investor while everyone else is stupid. It feels like a cheap way for Klopp to "save" Aelock.

    I want to agree that Aelock likes Klopp because of some stockholm syndrome to protect himself but... again I just don't think the writing intended for that. In this chapter, Klopp was just rude to Aelock yet Aelock is giddily blushing from it? His first life was so traumatizing yet he doesn't really show any signs of that trauma, aside from choosing to avoid Klopp and he doesn't even stick to that decision. The authors always written it like Klopp is the *only* one for Aelock; he has such an unwavering love for him from the very first day even tho Klopp's consistently rejected it and the relationship never developed.

    Yknow? If Aelock acknowledged that Klopp was awful to him in his first life and that he didn't deserve all that suffering, then it'd be way more compelling when Aelock finds he still loves Klopp. There'd be so much internal conflict. Instead, Aelock blames himself for everything and crushes on Klopp as if their history doesn't exist. It just feels lazy.

    mari January 12, 2024 6:10 am
    Pick me energy tori

    He's not rly a pick me, just dumb.

    JustCallMeApple January 12, 2024 8:08 am
    I've seen and agreed with your comments here before so I appreciate the perspective LOL. The context helps but I still hate it Like I don't expect Aelock to remember every detail from his first life but making ... mari

    Yeah, he should have been more cautious. I know the time span has been months to almost a year before they meet again. But the financial thing, was really an awful way to connect both Klopp and Aelock back. I know Aelock isn’t good, but do you have to make him completely incompetent and extremely gullible to friends and family. I know this happens in rl, but it’s an awful way to force a connection between Klopp and Aelock. I was wondering why there aren’t other competent advisors, like is Klopp really the only one? I know Viscount Derbyshire probably pushed Aelock to go to Klopp… but is he really the only one?

    I know the Teiwind fortune would be too much for a single advisor to handle, but seriously why do we have only Klopp as an option. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Aelock’s love is really genuine and pure which is a lot frustrating. He had this image that Klopp was really a good man but turned evil because of him. It came as a genuine shock to him, when he saw the red flags in Klopp’s attitude.

    I was kind of puzzled about how he didn’t end up having a seizure from the first meeting, but I had this feeling that maybe Aelock was thinking that this whole event was some sort of dream at first. And as he realized it was his second chance, he just tells himself if he doesn’t get in the way of Klopp and Raphael it will all be alright. In the novel, Aelock still had nightmares… and would visibly be scared when Klopp gets angry. I’m not sure how his managing to be even near Klopp.

    I agree with you. If he was able to acknowledge all the bad things about Klopp, and still find his way to love him after would have been better. I enjoyed reading the story, but I hate how Aelock was forced to be with Klopp. It did get better but how it started was really bad. I know that it was to show us, who the problem is, and that’s Klopp attitude towards Aelock. Since Aelock can’t make good decisions, out of fear or his yearning for his former children, Klopp basically overtakes most of it. He had to see bad things before he tried to be better, he had to hear it from someone else before he could understand that he was being selfish. I know character development is a work in progress, and it does take years to see any progress but Klopp was really a tool.

    mari January 12, 2024 8:44 am
    Yeah, he should have been more cautious. I know the time span has been months to almost a year before they meet again. But the financial thing, was really an awful way to connect both Klopp and Aelock back. I k... JustCallMeApple

    Yess I agree. That was interesting to read, thanks! It sounds like the novel gives a lot more insight into Aelock’s mindset

    JustCallMeApple January 12, 2024 8:59 am
    Yess I agree. That was interesting to read, thanks! It sounds like the novel gives a lot more insight into Aelock’s mindset mari

    V5 should be out soon! Just one more side-story to go. Everyone has been waiting on it. The novel is actually really good. Aelock’s thoughts aren’t as broadcast as in the manhwa, Klopp just describes his expression most of the time or his interpretation of what Aelock is feeling.

    So I’m enjoying seeing Aelock’s thoughts about the situation.

    You should give it a try. It’s a quick binge read. Klopp’s hell of annoying sadly, but overall the journey was really worth it! Vol 2 is at knoxt