Proceed with caution friend :’)

Just FYI, the novel translation is kind crap. Names are wrong and it's very much apparent that, although they tried to infer context, a lot of the meaning gets lost in between and the flow is disjointed (probably because English is the translator's second or third language). It doesn't give any more or less than the webtoon does information-wise.

I feel you. Just wanted to let you know. It's certainly something I've noticed as I've begun translating this story. Even officials nowadays (this manga and others) are getting kind of bad or lazy. Missing words, spelling things incorrectly, using the wrong vernacular....it's kind of sad and weird. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I noticed this with some official translation. Don’t they have proofreaders? People are paying they should keep the quality at least… and it’s per chapter not a monthly subscription.
I can understand fan translation because people are doing it out of your free time… and love for the work, but the officials really bother me

I know! I actually wrote a whole comment on this same comment section (not this particular thread, obvi) that addressed that. It seems like they don't have proof readers. And to be honest, most of the translators for officials have English as a second or third language which can cause nuances to be missed, wrong inferences or even wrong translations altogether. Like for names, as an example. "Clough" is just that. It's an old British name with French origins but someone who speaks Chinese or Korean as their first languages and only has high school English (because it's a requirement for most countries outside the US to take English all the way through high school) under their belt may not know that. Additionally, because their native languages don't have sounds like "l" or "r" or "ff" they translate it to the closest sound they can produce, which is where we got "klopp" from.
I feel that lately, fan translations are becoming better than officials. Like Juju cat, for one. Or Bloomingdale. They should go do it for a living at this rate and take over for these people doing the officials.
Ease, I need the novel, asap, my heart can't take this anymore