Still hate the seme. I want to see him groveling like Seungho did on painter of the night....

Cookies January 11, 2024 12:57 pm

Still hate the seme. I want to see him groveling like Seungho did on painter of the night. I’m compulsively reading this hoping main character makes him suffer!

    Mih January 14, 2024 11:47 am
    I believe the original subject was regarding how the MLs treat their MCs. Then if that's the case, Seungho is definitely worse than this ML. Seungho just had the redemption arc already since that story is alrea... LynxSeoltang

    Loved all your comments, Seugho was a total trash and it’s only believable the uke would fall in love after everything he did in a comic because in real life he would simply be totally traumatized and would never want to see Seugho again. But just because he is attractive and had a bad past it’s ok. Well a lot of serial killers and sociopaths had a bad childhood, it justifies what they did when they grow up? No.
    The ML in this comic is way less worst, not that he is a gentleman, but in comparison he is way better. IF he didn’t have killed mc family in the past they would fall in love really fast and it would be very believable.