sure you can be critical of the troupe, but literally for who's sake are you arguing in behalf of? its not like the Japanese/Korean authors are going to roll up and see that WesternReader839 is sick of toxic semes on illegalmangahosting dot cxm and re-evaluate not writing potentially hot garbage.
waste of time, and a bigger waste of time when you realize the amount of analytically challenged children that are on this site that seem unable to actually comprehend what it is they're reading to give a meaningful critque on it to begin with.

It's totally fine for you to think it's pointless to discuss
From my perspective, it has more to do with community engagement and discussing things with people who are also consuming the same media. To me, community discussion is a fun way to validate or challenge my opinions and be social online in a low-stakes environment.
When I engage in a critique or argument, it's more about having my ideas be heard than changing someone's mind (tho I don't object to the latter) and isn't really about changing the media I'm consuming at all
Referencing the part in my original post where I mentioned not to engage in discourse if you don't find it fulfilling - I personally find these discussions very fulfilling (. . .usually) even when talking with people who disagree with me. And if I don't like how someone is talking or think they're being childish, then yeah, I'll disengage. You're right to say it's not worth having discussions like that. Save your time and energy.
Or don't
Do what's best for you or just do what you feel like in the moment :)
When you said that the discussion you just had "proved your point" it really only reaffirmed your own feelings rather than proving anything to anyone else. I'm not saying you should stop talking or sharing your thoughts and opinions, I'm only observing that you seem put out by the discussion which calls back to the question of whether you found partaking in the conversation to be fulfilling. But also it's fine if you want to speak even if you end up frustrated.
Just because you don't want to discuss doesn't mean no one should. Just because you don't find it enjoyable doesn't mean no one does. You (presumably) enjoy your media without discussion, but I'm not the same, and that's okay :)
This is just a long-winded way for me to say nothing really. I don't really think there needs to be a change in how the community on here engages with media or each other. I just think that some people on here are tiring themselves out over discussions that they don't want to or need to be a part of and are getting grumpy about it, but that that's also fine in a way.

A bit of a TLDR on that long ass response I wrote:
I enjoy thinking and talking, even if it's "pointless", and media and comics are fun to think, talk and sometimes argue about. And it's okay for you to not want to do the same
You say it's pointless but it's pointless in the same way that reading or consuming media is as a whole (imo)

my original response was from the side as someone who actually does enjoy opinionated discussions typically, but have found them to be unenjoyable on here because most have a very surface-level takes of the content they read. it was a tongue-in-cheek way of me suggesting for anyone such as myself seeking more meaningful perspectives, or even for perspectives that have understood the media in which they just consumed *at all*, should steer clear of the comments here (and that there's way too many kids on this website). i do understand where you're coming from though; i just like to play devils advocate for the thoughts from others that i find interesting.

I've scrolled through a good crunch of them, and you really expect someone to speak nicely and intelligently to people like you who belittle them by saying they're too sensitive and too young? Can't really understand if you're just being a hypocrite or if you genuinely don't see where the problem lies.

dude, i stopped expecting an intelligent discussion from the people on this platform 4 years ago because they take a facetious comment as an attack on someone else's character somehow (exhibit a right here). i didn't call the original person too sensitive nor too young. i seriously dont understand how you came to that conclusion if you actually read what i said. the person i directed my initial sentiments to seemed to notice that i wasn't saying anything rude to them, so why you're so pressed when YOU decided to reply to ME with an attitude is truly beyond comprehension. you keep saying youll spell it out for me, then be a dear and spit it out already, because im seriously curious as to what you're going on about, and if you yourself know what you're referring to.
I wouldn't say that enjoying a trope in fiction is the same as enjoying it irl, but rather it's the refusal to be critical of these tropes or even allow others to be critical that raises concern. Discussion and criticism is a totally healthy aspect of a community and shouldn't be demonized, and the analysis and critique of enjoyable media is all a part of media literacy.
Though I will say, that it's one thing to critique media and another to judge or condemn those who consume said media based solely on the fact that they enjoy it.
But (for example) if someone in the comments were to read the latest chapter and start "shipping" a literal infant with a grown adult (fictional or otherwise), I think that's condemnable behavior worthy of critique because it does glean insight to a concerning pattern of thought.
Being "sensitive" to troubling themes is not a bad thing and it's those who cry and complain at the sight of criticism that are actually insecure and emotionally/mentally immature
And if you see a take you disagree with, argue if you find that fulfilling or just don't engage, but don't argue and then complain about always having to argue and defend what you enjoy, because frankly, you don't have to. That's a choice you're making.