I said it feels pedo, and that I think its pedo. yes i turn it into my narrative since its my opinion. I never said someone couldn't have another opinion. and someone in highschool is in most cases a minor, thats why i said it feels pedo. Imo the age gap isnt the only problem, its also the mental age gap. theyre people who are in different phases of their life. and i dont think its nice of you to be so mean to be even though i just politely asked you to explain why you think otherwise. no need to say im dumb..

i literaly said in my original comment that i understand that some dont find it a big age gap..? you are the one who was pushing your ideas onto me, i only commented my opinion. i never said other people cant enjoy this. you were the one who was pushing your narrative and said i was wrong, dumb and now a karen? you were the one commenting on my comment sharing your point of view, so i shared my look on the things you commented. I tried to be as polite and understanding. but the only thing i get are insults? i never pushed it onto you. you were the one who chose to reply. did i harras you for having another opinion? no, so why should you be mean to me.

There’s where you’re wrong, opinions aren’t facts, like sure feel weird about it, but stop trying to put a name onto something that make YOU uncomfortable. Calling it pedo because you think the age gap is a bit weird is already your first problem. Stop trying to put a factual word plastered over something that doesn’t mean that.

Im sorry that i used that word wrong, but it was never meant to be that deep. its just what i think of it, maybe i couldve only said that it feels pedo instead of also saying that it is pedo. i dont fully disagree or agree with your point but i was just annoyed at the fact that you needed to bring it so harshly. i dont mind different opinions if they are just brought without being mean. But lets just stop this argument since its getting a bit out of hand lol and im not mad anymore haha

Most people think differently if it's about the age that someone could be classified as a pedo. If you take a look at my last comments with that other person you can notice that we think differently. But we already came to a compromise in our argument so it doesn't matter anymore! But imo this is a very difficult thing to find one correct answer for
Uke is 20 and seme is 32. It's not the biggest age gap but the uke is still in high school!!! So it feels pedo. I get everyone saying that it isn't that big of an age difference but it's still a decade. So imo it's still pedo