hosik's an unreliable narrator

rr. January 10, 2024 6:47 pm

hosik's an unreliable narrator tho, them sleeping together was explained on sungyeon's pov and everything else negative connotation he has towards sungyeon ㅡ his imagination rlly runs wild as he tends to always thinks the worst case scenario (like meeting his mother in law and thought she will be against their marriage or when he told sungyeon he was pregnant and the reason sungyeon can't believe he's pregnant bc he doesn't want a child but turns out it's bc he has low count sperm disorder which was hinted that it might be heridetary as sungyeon's parents had a hard time concieving him too so sungyeon wanted to confirm first with the doctor if he can possibly fathered a baby. the examples goes on and on and on tbh. it's the running gag of the comic.)
