Hmm for some reason I'm more interested to Ophelia than Alicia. The Fl's emotions are hard...

Vienthy January 10, 2024 2:31 pm

Hmm for some reason I'm more interested to Ophelia than Alicia. The Fl's emotions are hard to say, it's all over the place, She clearly loves Ophelia as his sister(?) But at the same time loathed her. It likes her hatred for Ophelia is just an excuse for her to keep going more firmly. Ophelia is clearly not the bad girl here( for now) She sacrificed a lot too (she's naive too so I'm kinda reluctant to like her)

    Mavikelebek January 10, 2024 9:50 pm

    I mean Alicia is right though? I wouldn't like someone if that person whom i considered family abondened me suddenly? Also even her power only work when she thinks of Ophelia, like it is kind of selfish of Ophelia to make it a rule. She could have said when Alicia's life is in danger the power must work etc. But she choose "she should think about me". Also her pure innocent aura irritates me , i find it a bit fake to be honest

    Sosa January 10, 2024 10:25 pm

    Ophelia's was one her sister but rash decisions led to the death of her entire family minus one and she ran off on her right after they died, of course she doesn't like her. and fixing the mistakes you made aren't sacrifices its accountablility and expected. Ophelia is not a monster but Alicia's mixed feelings are not benign just because she isn't.