bro i’m so disappointed

Shepherd January 9, 2024 9:55 pm

i was gonna read this bc i love angst and demon x human but he RAISED her since she was a literal BABY. that’s WEIRD

    Yuiko February 5, 2024 5:31 pm

    He raised her to be herself. He didn't groom her. It's not his fault she fell in love with him. The man even left for 3 years. That's a long time. She could have moved on and found someone else, but she didn't.

    Just ghost here April 13, 2024 6:35 pm
    He raised her to be herself. He didn't groom her. It's not his fault she fell in love with him. The man even left for 3 years. That's a long time. She could have moved on and found someone else, but she didn't. Yuiko

    oh come on why we blaming the girl wdym? do you even know how grooming works? he RAISED her? girl, she could've left but she didnt, bruh that man raised her from baby form to basically teenage years if u dont call that grooming i dont know what is

    Yuiko April 13, 2024 10:57 pm
    oh come on why we blaming the girl wdym? do you even know how grooming works? he RAISED her? girl, she could've left but she didnt, bruh that man raised her from baby form to basically teenage years if u dont c... Just ghost here

    I'm not blaming her? I'm saying that she was in love with him and him knowing that she was just a child, left her.
    Grooming is "the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity/when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them."
    Nowhere did he manipulate, exploited, or abused her.
    In no way in the story he claimed he's going to raise her to be his wife or lover.
    Grooming is when you groom someone for a purpose. And you're implying he "groomed her" for the purpose of being his wife. Which he didn't because he even tried to get rid of her multiple times.
    Take Fifty Shades of Grey for example. The woman who taught Christian Grey (ML) sex and how to be a Dom, did so for the purpose of him being her sexual partner and fulfill her needs.
    That's how you identify "grooming" correctly.

    Just ghost here April 14, 2024 9:56 am

    “she could have moved on and found someone else, but she didnt” thats what i meant when i said ur blaming her rather than blaming it couldve gone both ways the guy couldve found someone else too, let me put an example for you if u are raised by someone that much older than you basically seeing you as a adult figure that someone is gonna rely on you and honna trust you bcs u r raising them and gaining theyre trust, especially the man alr raised her so she has her full trust and she as someone young dont have her own mind, she doesnt know whats right or wrong thats why we have legal age, and when you said grooming thats its not grooming (when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them) cuz his objective wasnt to manipulate, abuse or exploit that mightve been the case when he was raising her what about when he starts seeing her as a women (sexually omg this is so gross)? what about that wouldnt you say that this is similar to usagi drop?, and grooming is when a person build trust and emotional connection and relationship w a young person or minor that doesnt have the mind to know what wrong and what right yet, no matter how much she loved him or how much she pursued him, the guys as an ADULT shouldve known better cuz hes MUCH OLDER THAN HER, if he didnt raised her and she was for example 19 and she was dating him or someone else much older it wouldve been okay bcs she was an adult that have the mind for herself and KIDS do not thats why we have the legal age

    sorry its long but i dont know how else to get my point across

    Yuiko April 15, 2024 3:10 am
    “she could have moved on and found someone else, but she didnt” thats what i meant when i said ur blaming her rather than blaming it couldve gone both ways the guy couldve found someone else too, let me put... Just ghost here

    It's okay if it's long. I mean you're the one who wasted your time in writing a long, misinformed paragraph.

    Yes, he raised her. Which in turn made her trust him.
    Did he, in any point in time, I-N-F-L-U-E-N-C-E-D (G-R-O-O-M-E-D) her emotions, her mind, to fall in love with him? To have sexual desires for him?
    It would be considered grooming if he made her do sexual stuff (or others) WHILE KNOWING she trusts him.

    Yes, he started having romantic feelings for "HER".
    Remember? Something happened and she was accidentally turned into an adult. (NOT BY HIM)
    That's the one who he fell in love with. The adult her. When she reverted back into herself he didn't see her that way anymore because he remembered she is still young.

    "thats why we have the legal age"
    Yes, dear but this is a fictional story in make believe Shalala Land.