Can someone explain to me y all of a sudden Luca wants to stay with Judith despite the abu...

Jajamadam January 9, 2024 4:13 pm

Can someone explain to me y all of a sudden Luca wants to stay with Judith despite the abuse?

    Saphir January 9, 2024 4:16 pm

    Start again the story , because if you ask this ,that means you really didn't read the's just 84 can do it...gambatte

    urmom January 9, 2024 5:50 pm
    Start again the story , because if you ask this ,that means you really didn't read the's just 84 can do it...gambatte Saphir

    i love ur comment

    Jajamadam January 10, 2024 4:41 am
    Start again the story , because if you ask this ,that means you really didn't read the's just 84 can do it...gambatte Saphir

    I feel like it wasn't explained though. I did read it but at most we understand that at some level he knows his aunt is behaving different and does realize they have similar goals because of her actions coming to the capital with him but he presented the desire to keep close to her before she started doing things in support of him......

    Silverfelony January 10, 2024 3:25 pm

    I In the first time line, Judith was killed when she refused to cooperate with Franz. So Luca knows that despite the abuse, Judith did care enough to die for him.