that bit about women was a CRAZY thing to read goddamn "she don't look like a FEMALE" how do women look like tell me and who calls them females in a normal convo other than incels, come on man
"just my opinion" okay your opinion is still batshit crazy in this regard "even female fighters look like female" this is insane bro

Nah not really. As I said I just expressed my opinion. You are disagreeing is completely fine. I never thought everyone would agree. The problem is this generation is or the present generation is weak. So they can't really accept people’s people not having the same view as them. Btw I'm a girl too( ̄∇ ̄"). And I'm 19 years old so idk. Which generation I'm from ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Oh I thought my opinion was better than that trans sh*t. Ig not? ( ̄∇ ̄"). I mean a man and a woman clearly have some difference in their facial features? Her face looked weird to me. I think the artist wanted to make her look more masculine which wasn’t done well. There are some panel where she looks good but most of the time she looks weird. And as for calling female remember there are 7 continent and around 200 countries in this world. I often call woman female and man male when I have to use plural form or just to make it a common noun. And also everyone's first language is English. So It's weird to me as well why you only care about this part but not other part of the comment I wrote ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Like how do a woman should look according to you darling?

You know this is an illegal site? And we are doing illegal things here? You are just in the dark site of illegalness and I'm just in the bright site of illegalness. I know my stuff I don't have to see what's in the homepage at all. I can even cover my eyes and go to where I want to. Hope that helps. And never forget anyone's age. You don't wanna insult an adult who might be even older than your parents right? Be respectful to everyone! Hate the sin not the sinner! Have a nice day(≧∀≦)

Omg wild asf no way would I think to find a weird, red pill, far right, anti feminist religious fanatic, trans/homophobic, ill minded, negative iq having 19 year old girl on this website the irony and audacity is crazy the internalized misogyny is baffling and it’s crazy bc they don’t get that they’re ignorant complaining about generations when it’s their generation that they speak of and statistics shows that MEN have always been the main aggressors and perpetrators of sexual assault
Ps females of any species have the most diverse body types and builds as bearers of life especially when females are warriors/fighters/hunters/protectors as well as it’s mostly male genes that modify and stunt phenotypes bc the women created the egg that already carried the X chromosome

Like truly you a 19 year old girl with barely any experience in life and your view point already shows that you have zero brain cells with no capacity for understanding it also shows you had no reading comprehension whatsoever bc the mc literally explained the science behind why she looks like that but let me break it down for you, when you start working out aggressively and putting your mind and body and situations where it could be chemically altered it affect the way your body grows things like vigorous/intense
working out changing muscle definitions especially before you’ve hit puberty it affects the chemical balance of your hormones and the way your body grows or is stunted and the growth of a altered build of body come from children who have had to fight/ work out from a very young age they often don’t get the necessary chemical and hormone balances because their bodies constantly in a state of survival so they’re hormones are off and they often don’t get things like menstrual cycles so their body doesn’t develop in “womanly” capacity similar to the way that children who are malnourished won’t ever get voluptuous builds is the same way that people who are muscular from young age won’t get a vivacious build, and that’s literal science

Oh wow so if you don't support this gay and trans sh*t then you don't have any braincells? I've seen atheist not supporting this bs? How do you explain that? And what do you think feminism is? Lol. Women were buried alive back then. They didn’t have any rights. Fighting for women rights is feminism. And what are those right

This is what I meant by reading comprehension I never said dna was altered I said that your body can be mutated by serious factors as a child I said excessive muscle strengthening such as strenuous workout as a child, affects your body’s build and the chemical balance of your body and, like I said, before we see this in children’s slaves/laborers, as well as children who go through malnourishment what I said about dna was about the genetic make up of women cause some of the most diverse body types and builds but go off pea brain

Ooof like the medical field doesn’t need someone like you who has a overwhelming prejudice view on the human body or gender the medical profession is for people who care about humanity and the well being of the patient not a nitwit with no decorum, you have no respect or grasp on actual medical science grow some compassion or empathy

With all that arguing ig you are a woman. So sis strenuous works can change you body you don’t have to start as a child for that. And If you read my comment I never really mentioned about her body? Idk where you get that body part. All I said is her face looks weird. And theres no such thing as changing ones face with exercise. You can make a female face look like male one with surgery which is complicated and dangerous but exercise, hard labour won't change your face. I had a friend who had facial hair despite being a female. It seemed weird but it’s actually common. Just your hormone acting up. But still that does not made her look like a male. She was beautiful. My point was that the artist must have wanted to make her look more masculine but ended up making her look weird. Even my face is on the masculine side. Who am I kidding? If you look carefully you’d see some drawing of her face looks good, more blusy, feminine but most of them just looks weird. And you can be born with unique facial features. That also has DNA working behind. But there's no way whatever exercise can change your face. But there are some good facial exercise which can make your face look healthier, brighter, tighter. It's to just increase your feminine beauty. And as for me being on the medical field. Ais those rainbow humans shout around that it’s their hormone. But there has to be someone saying there're just no such thing as rainbow hormone lol. Well I'm not saying I'll succeed but I sure do want to stay in the list

It's been around for over 60,000 years. When humankind was first recorded (aboriginal and torres strait islanders in Australia and other older civilizations like india). Homosexual behaviour is also observed in over 1500 MAMMAL species. It's not going anywhere. But if you're religious and Jesus does exist, then we know where you are going. As a sinner, you have no right to pass judgement, and as a Christian you must love your neighbour. Cant comment on Islam, i dont know much. But I know modt abrahamic religions have similar sayings and buddhism doesn't even have a God.
The story had a great start. It hooked me instantly. And the first few chapter were great as well. But after meeting her family it just went down the hill at least for me. And 41 was as much as I could. Honesty it just feels cringe somehow. I really liked their sisterbond. But now its just her. Like the story started for her sister like how she will do anything for her and it’s just her. And how everyone is crazy for her is also somewhat seems forcefully done. Like I really liked it first and was seeing forward to it but it just disappointed me. If it were to give the sweet 16 vibe from the start then it wouldn’t have been a problem for me to except all of this but I guess I just had a really high expectation for this so I cant accept this change ig. Also I know she is a tomboy but tomboy girlies have their own charms to while she literally looks weird to me. Like it just looks weird. Even real life female fighters look like female after covering their bodies while even her facial feature doesnot look like male or female its just weird. Well it’s my opinion. So don't attack me. If you like this then continue reading. So many people get attack if they say they doesn’t like a certain popular manhwa or manhua or something. Everyone is free to express their opinions!