It's not much but I'll share what I remember:
FL was married to the ex (shitty) guy that has a high position in society (I don't remember if he is the prince/duke/whatever) but he had a previous lover and spent his time with the lover. After the lover plan stuff to accuse the GL of a adultery (the irony) with the knight dude, the ex proposes divorce and she happily accepts. The grandfather in law doesn't know of this at the beginning and is pissed that they broke it without his consent and so he is forcing the ex to take her back, all while acting cute towards the FL. I think it is implied that he knows the GL is special somehow and wants her power for his son. Of course the ex is giving the feeling that he may like her now that he can't have her, classic. Oh and I think it is implied that the lover doesn't really love him? She just wants him for power so she is trying to make possible-grandfather-in-law to accept her (failing) and putting the "villainess" reputation to the FL.
Then we have Einz (knight dude) which is a childhood friend of FL and wants to protect her and has a weird curse that FL has apparently healed in the recent chapters, furthering making him fall for her. He is of low background but was a good knight so now he is respected (or something like that).
Lastly we have the ex's younger cousin (Black haired guy) which met the FL when she first entered the palace and slowly fell for her while she was married and wanted to take care of her and gave her gifts, but she saw it in. Platonic way due to the age difference and because she was already married. Now that she is free he is jumping on the opportunity and even invited her to a ball (where the ex obv got jelous) and he is showing her he now has power and respect and all that stuff and he is better than the ex (it's honestly hard to be worst tho). I may be wrong on this but I think there was the subplot of the grandfather having 2 children, with the ex being his nephew from the first one and the black haired dude being the "hidden" son of the other one, but the ex discovered it when he was younger and do he started to despise the black haired dude because he was afraid he could steal his position.
Lastly the FL after divorce opened her backery and was successful, the ex's lover tried to make her look bad but she was smarter and basically the lover digger her own grave by showing she is incompetent comparent to the FL. And lately she has these magical power that make her heal people apparently?
I thiiink i covered the major points and I hope it makes sense!
I read so many similar stories that I mix them all up so I usually write myself like a recap of major events but for this story I haven’t written one for some reason. I literally only realized I’ve read it once I started to re-read it and I was like hold on... This is way to familiar. Anyways, I literally don’t remember anything and I don’t wanna re-read cause at the same time I remember too much so I would appreciate it if someone could remind me what happened till now (any events, trivia, relationship dynamics, struggles that the MC has faced…)